Signs & Symptoms of a Pregnant Pug Dog
- An attentive pug.Sitting Pug image by LOLA from
As with all dogs, pugs exhibit a variety of signs and symptoms throughout their pregnancies. A normal pregnancy lasts about 63 days. The pregnancy is divided into three stages: early, middle and final. Each stage lasts approximately 20 days and includes obvious changes in your dog's behavior and physical symptoms. - During the early stage of a pug's pregnancy you may notice changes in her behavior. Some dogs become more affectionate and desire more attention, while others prefer to be left alone. Your dog requires more sleep as a result of hormonal changes. You may also notice a decrease in her appetite. A physical symptom is enlarged nipples, which are softer than normal. A veterinarian can confirm your dog's pregnancy by feeling the embryos implanted into the uterine wall. He can also confirm your dog's pregnancy through a blood test. The hormone relaxin is present after the embryos are implanted in the uterine wall.
- The signs and symptoms of pregnancy during the middle stage are not as numerous or obvious. The dog's appetite returns, and is greatly increased. Her behavior returns to normal, and she has more energy than she did during the first few weeks of the pregnancy. Some dogs have larger bellies during this stage, and they feel firmer than usual. Not all dogs increase in size during the middle stage. A pug, however, is likely to have a larger abdomen due to her small size. Maintain contact with your veterinarian throughout the pregnancy. Due to the large size of a pug's head, your dog may require a cesarean section at the time of delivery. Your veterinarian can determine the number of puppies your dog is carrying by performing an ultrasound procedure.
- The signs and symptoms of pregnancy during the last few weeks are much more obvious. Your dog's appetite and energy level once again decrease. She will have to urinate more often due to the pressure on her bladder. Her nipples and abdomen are even larger now. The size of your dog's abdomen depend on the number of puppies she is carrying. The average size of a litter for a pug is three to four puppies. You may notice some milk leakage from your dog's nipples. The most exciting and final sign of pregnancy in your dog is the movement of the puppies. You can feel this movement during the last couple weeks of pregnancy and more often after your dog has done some exercise, such as going for a walk.
Early Stage
Middle Stage
Final Stage