How to Cure Yeast Infections in Infants
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If you suspect your infant has a yeast infection, make a call to your pediatrician. The doctor or nurse can review the symptoms with you and advise if an office visit is appropriate. The doctor will typically recommend a prescription for a cream which can be applied to the affected area. Follow your doctors instructions. - 2
Wash Cloths
This is the MOST important step. DO NOT use baby wipes until the yeast infection is gone. Baby wipes can exasperate the problem. It has been our experience that by discontinuing the use of baby wipes until the infection is gone, we had much greater success. Please understand we are not scientists or medical researchers, we just know what worked for our baby.
At the same time, we are realists, baby wipes are a parent's best friend. The number of uses for a baby wipe is right up there with Duct Tape! So once the yeast infection is gone, we go right back to our trusted friend. - 3
Dex Wipe Warmer
At this point you are asking: Okay genius, without Baby Wipes, how in the world am I going to clean my baby's bottom?
The way your grandmother did. With wash cloths. You likely received a mother load (no pun intended) of baby wash cloths at your baby shower. We have enough to clean the entire labor and delivery ward at the hospital.
Make sure they are clean. Run some clean warm water over the wash cloths and wring out any excess. You just want them damp. Place them in the baby wipe warmer. This will ensure easy access and a warm comfortable cloth for your little one's bottom. Rotate them regularly. Damp warm wash clothes sitting around for several hours can lead to other problems.
Of course, use a clean cloth for each new changing or wipe down. - 4
Happy Boy
You should see improvement within a few days. If the yeast infection is persisting, make a return phone call to your pediatrician. Hopefully with these tips and help from your doctor, the yeast infection will be gone. You and your baby will be smiling again!