Making Homemade Frozen Dinners
One thing I have done over the years to save time and money is establish a day every week or so to make homemade frozen dinners.
This is also a wonderful way to keep you and your family away from eating unhealthy processed foods.
I know it's easy to buy an inexpensive frozen dinner but it's much healthier, tastier, and cheaper to make your own homemade frozen dinners! Tips for making homemade frozen dinners:
This is also a wonderful way to keep you and your family away from eating unhealthy processed foods.
I know it's easy to buy an inexpensive frozen dinner but it's much healthier, tastier, and cheaper to make your own homemade frozen dinners! Tips for making homemade frozen dinners:
- KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid)...
I am pretty sure you've heard this term before.
Try to stick to either simple meals like lasagna, chili, pizzas, and casseroles or prepare items like sliced chicken, seasoned ground beef, and sliced steak to be portioned in to storage bags.
Some of you might be asking...
how much should I put in each storage bag? The weight of these bags really depends on the size of your household.
It is so convenient to have your own individual bags of pre-cooked ground beef, sliced chicken, and sliced steak for tacos, burritos, quesadillas, meat sauce, chicken alfredo, steak salads, and so many more great meals. - Don't over do it! If you prepare 50 meals for your family and you only eat 20 or 30 per month at home, then you may want to cut back or make your homemade frozen dinners weekly or bi-weekly.
Freezer burnt food is not a favorite of mine and I am sure you feel the same way. - Planning ahead is key to making your homemade frozen dinners a success! A basic checklist is always effective when it comes to planning a shopping trip but you may want to get more in depth when it comes to planning meals for a week or more.
There are several websites out there with great forms and lists to help you organize your shopping and menu planning. Here's a couple places where you can get organized before you go shopping: http://www.
html http://www.
com/shopping/ Another good way to get organized and save money on your shopping trip is using your local grocery stores website.
In the southeast, Publix is a very popular grocery store and they have great tools on their website to help you prepare for your shopping trips.
You can plan your entire shopping trip by going to Publix.
com, clicking on Weekly Ads, entering your Zip Code, and using the printable shopping list feature.
This will not only help you get organized by providing you with a printable shopping list but it will help you save money because you are using the weekly ads for your list! In conclusion, making homemade frozen dinners is one of the best ways to save time and money in any household.
Your family will be happier and healthier when you can whip out homemade meals in no time because you planned ahead and made homemade frozen dinners.