Military Tanks Used in Iraq
- When the war began in March 2003, the United States, United Kingdom and other allies faced a variety of tanks from what was left of the dilapidated Iraqi army under Saddam Hussein. These tanks were primarily Soviet-era weapon systems such as the T-72 Main Battle Tank, which had been purchased prior to the first Gulf War for use during the Iran-Iraq War and as part of a general military buildup in the country.
In terms of the U.S and U.K, the amount of tanks used in Iraq has decreased somewhat as the battle has moved from a conventional force-on-force contest, to an irregular and asymmetric one. The actual types of tanks used by Coalition forces in Iraq, though, remains the same. - Aside from T-72 tanks, the Iraqi army also employed T-62s and the much older T-55 tanks, which were originally of Chinese origin. Only a handful of the truly effective T-72s were in good operating condition in 2003. As the process of rebuilding Iraq's internal defenses continues, the current government plans to buy up to 2,000 tanks from Eastern Europe. It also plans to take old T-72s and retrofit them with modern systems to compete on the modern battlefield.
- The United States operates the M-1A2 Main Battle Tank. This tank, which uses turbine power and can deliver a 120mm round of either armor-piercing or high-explosive munition, possesses advanced optical imaging and targeting systems that make it almost unmatched around the world. Having twice the effective range, and the ability to fire while moving, the M1A2 was able to easily defeat the less advanced T-72 tanks when the invasion was taking place.
- Another addition to the American armored force is the M2 and M3 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle. While technically not a tank, the fact that it is a tracked vehicle possessing significant firepower and armor means that it is able to hold its own in a tank battle. In many ways, the vehicle is similar in capability and function to the BMP-1 used by Iraqi forces before the war. It serves as both an armored troop carrier and a heavy-fire support platform.
- As for the United Kingdom, the main tank employed by its military forces in Iraq is the Challenger Main Battle Tank. This tank uses an advanced electrical turret system that automatically loads and fires rounds. Like the M1A2, the Challenger tank uses 120mm rounds in either an armor-piercing or high-explosive version. The fire control system on the tank is also completely digital, allowing the commander, gunner and driver to share critical battlefield and targeting information. As of 2009, as British forces fully withdraw from Iraq, the remaining Challenger tanks are being shipped back to the U.K.
Types: Iraq
Types: United States
Bradley: Almost a Tank
Types: United Kingdom