Practical Tips on Writing Effective, Good Blog Posts
Before you hit the publish button of your most recent blog entry, you had better make sure that it is good enough for your online readers-assuming that you have built a following of online readers.
Getting a strong following for your blog involves more than just great promotion and popularity.
With the overwhelming number of weblogs covering virtually every imaginable topic, how do you make your niche blog stand out? The answer is simple enough, if you know how to write a good blog post.
"Money Blogging" is growing in popularity, and the important start before monetizing your blog site, is to build an interested following, by providing quality, interesting, informative blog posts.
Have your own opinion If there is any mistake most bloggers have done, that is to echo the exact opinions mainstream writers have on a certain topic.
The last thing you want is to be a writer that does not even have his or her own opinions.
This is a basic rule on how to write a good blog post: let your audience know your opinion.
You will be surprised at how positively your readers will receive your opinion.
Establish your voice Do you consider yourself a funny person? Are you more of the serious type? Then let your blog entries show it! The popular blog entries are the ones that show the personality of the writer.
Behind a well written blog is a writer with a unique voice.
If you think that you are that writer, then you are not far from knowing how to write a good blog post.
Be concise Online readers do not have all day to read your blog entry.
In fact,they probably will not even have 10 minutes before they click that close button.
You have to act quickly and drive home your point with sharp wit and conciseness.
At the same time, your blog must be informative enough to benefit your readers in one way or another.
Writing concisely is a skill you need as you learn how to write a good blog post.
Proofread, Edit One thing people often overlook on how to write a good blog post is the grammar and order of the blog.
Just because your entry will be published online doe not mean you can go ahead and commit as many grammatical mishaps as you want.
Double check your facts Though having an opinion is necessary in how to write a good blog post, it must be based on verified facts.
If you give a strong opinion without backing it up with evidence, your credibility will surely suffer.
As a responsible writer, provide facts that will make your blogs all the more believable and informative to read.
Remember your audience You can get away with being insensitive to your audience if you were writing in a newspaper, but you certainly will not be as lucky online.
Your readers are free to interact with your blog in any way they please-if you let them.
Leave a question for them to answer.
Seek their positive or negative feedback.
Open the floor for suggestions.
Do anything you can to let them know that they are more than welcome to react.
Remember though to have moderation set on your blog comments, to avoid any unpleasant outcomes.
Build your Link Some might think that they know how to write a good blog post to increase your pool of readers, but odds are there is more yet to reveal.
Readers will not just magically appear on your blog-you have to go to where they are as well.
Exchange links with other popularly read bloggers who have mastered the art of how to write a good blog post.
You will be surprised at how many readers you will be getting from them.
And develop your strategy for building traffic to your blog - ah, but that is another story!
Getting a strong following for your blog involves more than just great promotion and popularity.
With the overwhelming number of weblogs covering virtually every imaginable topic, how do you make your niche blog stand out? The answer is simple enough, if you know how to write a good blog post.
"Money Blogging" is growing in popularity, and the important start before monetizing your blog site, is to build an interested following, by providing quality, interesting, informative blog posts.
Have your own opinion If there is any mistake most bloggers have done, that is to echo the exact opinions mainstream writers have on a certain topic.
The last thing you want is to be a writer that does not even have his or her own opinions.
This is a basic rule on how to write a good blog post: let your audience know your opinion.
You will be surprised at how positively your readers will receive your opinion.
Establish your voice Do you consider yourself a funny person? Are you more of the serious type? Then let your blog entries show it! The popular blog entries are the ones that show the personality of the writer.
Behind a well written blog is a writer with a unique voice.
If you think that you are that writer, then you are not far from knowing how to write a good blog post.
Be concise Online readers do not have all day to read your blog entry.
In fact,they probably will not even have 10 minutes before they click that close button.
You have to act quickly and drive home your point with sharp wit and conciseness.
At the same time, your blog must be informative enough to benefit your readers in one way or another.
Writing concisely is a skill you need as you learn how to write a good blog post.
Proofread, Edit One thing people often overlook on how to write a good blog post is the grammar and order of the blog.
Just because your entry will be published online doe not mean you can go ahead and commit as many grammatical mishaps as you want.
Double check your facts Though having an opinion is necessary in how to write a good blog post, it must be based on verified facts.
If you give a strong opinion without backing it up with evidence, your credibility will surely suffer.
As a responsible writer, provide facts that will make your blogs all the more believable and informative to read.
Remember your audience You can get away with being insensitive to your audience if you were writing in a newspaper, but you certainly will not be as lucky online.
Your readers are free to interact with your blog in any way they please-if you let them.
Leave a question for them to answer.
Seek their positive or negative feedback.
Open the floor for suggestions.
Do anything you can to let them know that they are more than welcome to react.
Remember though to have moderation set on your blog comments, to avoid any unpleasant outcomes.
Build your Link Some might think that they know how to write a good blog post to increase your pool of readers, but odds are there is more yet to reveal.
Readers will not just magically appear on your blog-you have to go to where they are as well.
Exchange links with other popularly read bloggers who have mastered the art of how to write a good blog post.
You will be surprised at how many readers you will be getting from them.
And develop your strategy for building traffic to your blog - ah, but that is another story!