Have You Heard About the Polar Shift 2012?
The polar shift 2012 is known as being the geomagnetic reversal.
There is also a different meaning which is the cataclysmic shift of poles.
Some people are choosing to ignore this as if nothing will happen.
On the other hand, some are wondering if this is real and if something will happen, and if so, what can we expect? The official meaning of the polar shift 2012 is the true North Pole and the true South Pole are going to completely shift.
There are two poles.
One is known as the geographic pole and the true pole.
The meaning of polar shift is when the angle of the Earth rotates.
Our Earth currently is on a tilted axis and rotates however scientists have argued that it is indeed on a straight axis.
The proof of the axis changing is the fact that we are on an axis that is tilted.
Causes of the Polar Shift There are two scientists that are saying the polar shift 2012 is being caused due to ice caps melting and this will eventually cause the Earth to be imbalanced and this can cause the rotation and the axis of the Earth to change.
There are a few things that are being claimed to happen during this time.
There are theories that claim tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, typhoons and just an overall major worldwide catastrophe.
The possibilities are far from few and there are possibilities that these theories are true.
There are many different claims so it may be hard to tell what could happen and what things are purely not true.
There are many resources also available now that can help you prepare for this Doomsday and will prepare you for the worst.
Whether it's true or not, you are better off learning all that you can than to ignore it.
There is also a different meaning which is the cataclysmic shift of poles.
Some people are choosing to ignore this as if nothing will happen.
On the other hand, some are wondering if this is real and if something will happen, and if so, what can we expect? The official meaning of the polar shift 2012 is the true North Pole and the true South Pole are going to completely shift.
There are two poles.
One is known as the geographic pole and the true pole.
The meaning of polar shift is when the angle of the Earth rotates.
Our Earth currently is on a tilted axis and rotates however scientists have argued that it is indeed on a straight axis.
The proof of the axis changing is the fact that we are on an axis that is tilted.
Causes of the Polar Shift There are two scientists that are saying the polar shift 2012 is being caused due to ice caps melting and this will eventually cause the Earth to be imbalanced and this can cause the rotation and the axis of the Earth to change.
There are a few things that are being claimed to happen during this time.
There are theories that claim tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, typhoons and just an overall major worldwide catastrophe.
The possibilities are far from few and there are possibilities that these theories are true.
There are many different claims so it may be hard to tell what could happen and what things are purely not true.
There are many resources also available now that can help you prepare for this Doomsday and will prepare you for the worst.
Whether it's true or not, you are better off learning all that you can than to ignore it.