Is the Amount Of Money You Spend On Health Insurance Keeping You Healthy? - Discover An Option
If you follow politics or the news at all you have undoubtedly heard about the controversy over health care and health insurance.
You have probably also heard about how unhealthy people are in the U.
The fact is that insurance costs are sky high and that there are millions of people who are uninsured because they can't afford insurance.
It's pretty clear that our society is pretty much being held hostage by the health insurance industry.
The big question I have is: Are we actually any healthier relying on health insurance as our strategy for dealing with illness and disease.
Injuries like broken bones or other accident related health concerns fall into a different category.
In fact you can even get separate insurance that is much cheaper to just cover accidental injury.
What I am talking about here is what most people are afraid of and where the most money is being spent, both by individuals, by the medical establishment and by government, it's sickness and disease.
There is a different option.
Rather than paying a premium to an insurance company every month, instead you take responsibility and take charge of your own health.
You practice preventative medicine.
You spend some of that premium money each month on the tools you need to stay healthy.
Like the right high nutrition diet, a good exercise program.
Even some education so you know what you have to do to be really healthy and free of illness and disease.
The mainstream allopathic medical model actually doesn't want you to know that you can actually take control of your own health and avoid illness and disease.
so this other option concept is actually foreign to most people.
Some of the health epidemics that are common today like type 2 diabetes, bypass surgery for clogged arteries, other illness and disease are directly related to diet and lifestyle choices.
A lot of people are now thinking these issues are a normal part of living.
In fact I was in a gym recently when I overheard some men talking about their by- pass surgeries as though it was a normal aspect of being over sixty.
The truth is that there is also a percentage of the population who don't get sick, don't have any diseases, don't take pharmaceutical drugs, in fact they don't even go to a regular doctor and haven't for a long time.
Some choose not to have regular health insurance.
Instead they take responsibility for their own health and practice holistic preventative medicine.
They save some of that premium money each month in a health savings account so if they do need to go see a doctor they can.
Or like me maybe they go see a naturopathic doctor or an acupuncture doctor.
My wife and I have not been even sick with even a cold or flu for many years, we are perfectly healthy, we haven't been to a regular doctor for many years.
We choose to stop paying for health insurance many years ago.
We are self employed and after watching our premium for a catastrophic policy with a $5000 deductible go up over $600.
00 a month for two people we decided we were better off without it.
The fact is when we looked closely at the fine print the insurance policy did not really us much anyway.
Most people are not insured the way they think they are.
The foremost mission of the traditional insurance company is to figure out how after taking your premium they can avoid paying for your care if you do get sick.
There is a whole medical world out there that is not this American allopathic model of health care that is driven by capitalists and their endless quest for profit off the sickness of others.
There are people who are living happy healthy lives without participating in the insurance game.
If you are rich you get the best care you can pay any insurance premium requested.
If you are poor and you don't get coverage through a job you can't afford insurance.
Who do you think support this unfair greed driven health insurance model that most people are captive to.
You guessed it rich investors and republicans that only see profit as the way to handle and solve any problem.
We could have medicare for all right now and be teaching people how to take care of their own health, and if they do get sick they can have health care that works for them.
You have probably also heard about how unhealthy people are in the U.
The fact is that insurance costs are sky high and that there are millions of people who are uninsured because they can't afford insurance.
It's pretty clear that our society is pretty much being held hostage by the health insurance industry.
The big question I have is: Are we actually any healthier relying on health insurance as our strategy for dealing with illness and disease.
Injuries like broken bones or other accident related health concerns fall into a different category.
In fact you can even get separate insurance that is much cheaper to just cover accidental injury.
What I am talking about here is what most people are afraid of and where the most money is being spent, both by individuals, by the medical establishment and by government, it's sickness and disease.
There is a different option.
Rather than paying a premium to an insurance company every month, instead you take responsibility and take charge of your own health.
You practice preventative medicine.
You spend some of that premium money each month on the tools you need to stay healthy.
Like the right high nutrition diet, a good exercise program.
Even some education so you know what you have to do to be really healthy and free of illness and disease.
The mainstream allopathic medical model actually doesn't want you to know that you can actually take control of your own health and avoid illness and disease.
so this other option concept is actually foreign to most people.
Some of the health epidemics that are common today like type 2 diabetes, bypass surgery for clogged arteries, other illness and disease are directly related to diet and lifestyle choices.
A lot of people are now thinking these issues are a normal part of living.
In fact I was in a gym recently when I overheard some men talking about their by- pass surgeries as though it was a normal aspect of being over sixty.
The truth is that there is also a percentage of the population who don't get sick, don't have any diseases, don't take pharmaceutical drugs, in fact they don't even go to a regular doctor and haven't for a long time.
Some choose not to have regular health insurance.
Instead they take responsibility for their own health and practice holistic preventative medicine.
They save some of that premium money each month in a health savings account so if they do need to go see a doctor they can.
Or like me maybe they go see a naturopathic doctor or an acupuncture doctor.
My wife and I have not been even sick with even a cold or flu for many years, we are perfectly healthy, we haven't been to a regular doctor for many years.
We choose to stop paying for health insurance many years ago.
We are self employed and after watching our premium for a catastrophic policy with a $5000 deductible go up over $600.
00 a month for two people we decided we were better off without it.
The fact is when we looked closely at the fine print the insurance policy did not really us much anyway.
Most people are not insured the way they think they are.
The foremost mission of the traditional insurance company is to figure out how after taking your premium they can avoid paying for your care if you do get sick.
There is a whole medical world out there that is not this American allopathic model of health care that is driven by capitalists and their endless quest for profit off the sickness of others.
There are people who are living happy healthy lives without participating in the insurance game.
If you are rich you get the best care you can pay any insurance premium requested.
If you are poor and you don't get coverage through a job you can't afford insurance.
Who do you think support this unfair greed driven health insurance model that most people are captive to.
You guessed it rich investors and republicans that only see profit as the way to handle and solve any problem.
We could have medicare for all right now and be teaching people how to take care of their own health, and if they do get sick they can have health care that works for them.