Service Businesses and Dual Offerings
Many successful small services business wish to expand their service offerings and they do this by offering a totally new service to their existing customer base.
This makes sense from a logical standpoint, but it does not usually guarantee profitability.
Let me explain.
Generally, it takes a while to build up a service business in any given sector.
Once you do you learn a lot about how to service the customers, but not necessarily how to do another whole different type of service.
After all, it takes years to refine your efficiency in operations to a pinnacle point where profit is all but guaranteed.
Not long ago a gentleman running several landscaping units in Florida, asked if he could should add a mobile oil change service to his already successful operations.
He stated that it was hard to find good quality English speaking help that actually wanted to work.
And reiterated the common complaint about how most of the service companies competing against him now did not even have licenses to do landscaping.
Yes, he's right and I completely understand what he is talking about, as we have the same issues in California with mobile car washing.
Most competitors do not even have a business license and for fleet contracting with government agencies, less than 5% have contractors licenses.
He is also absolutely right on the money with regards to the labor issues in Florida.
The English Speaking workforce in Florida, it's pathetic - crystal meth addicts, low-life's, losers and molasses pace workers.
The rift between black and white doesn't help any either.
We've run mobile car wash businesses all over Florida, had the same problem.
Okay so we've talked about the service business for landscaping and mobile car washing, now what about his questions about adding a mobile oil change business to his current service offering mix? Well, my advice is that I do not think he should add a Mobile Oil Change Business to his existing service offerings, but if he went solely "Fleet Business" then he could make this work, by hiring some fixed site Oil and Lube employees.
For English Speaking truck supervisors, I recommend that he go to the Mormon Church regional Stake Centers.
That's what we do.
I've seen many mobile oil change rigs for sale on Craig's List and in the newspapers.
I think many folks try to start these types of businesses and do not have a clue as to what they are doing, run them for a while and sell their rigs, perhaps even for "take-over payments" or 50% of what they had cost them.
Sure, he could buy a unit that way, a nice setup, fairly new, and go for it.
I personally, am somewhat underwhelmed by the mobile oil change business and its ROI compared to other service businesses.
The reason we got into it, (OilChangeGuys.
com) was mostly to add additional services to existing fleet washing customers.
Other than that well, I've never really liked the business much, as it is kind of a pain in the butt.
If you want some information on the Oil Change Business, I can give you tons of information on the industry, how to market it and maintain efficiency without huge inventories? Think on this.
This makes sense from a logical standpoint, but it does not usually guarantee profitability.
Let me explain.
Generally, it takes a while to build up a service business in any given sector.
Once you do you learn a lot about how to service the customers, but not necessarily how to do another whole different type of service.
After all, it takes years to refine your efficiency in operations to a pinnacle point where profit is all but guaranteed.
Not long ago a gentleman running several landscaping units in Florida, asked if he could should add a mobile oil change service to his already successful operations.
He stated that it was hard to find good quality English speaking help that actually wanted to work.
And reiterated the common complaint about how most of the service companies competing against him now did not even have licenses to do landscaping.
Yes, he's right and I completely understand what he is talking about, as we have the same issues in California with mobile car washing.
Most competitors do not even have a business license and for fleet contracting with government agencies, less than 5% have contractors licenses.
He is also absolutely right on the money with regards to the labor issues in Florida.
The English Speaking workforce in Florida, it's pathetic - crystal meth addicts, low-life's, losers and molasses pace workers.
The rift between black and white doesn't help any either.
We've run mobile car wash businesses all over Florida, had the same problem.
Okay so we've talked about the service business for landscaping and mobile car washing, now what about his questions about adding a mobile oil change business to his current service offering mix? Well, my advice is that I do not think he should add a Mobile Oil Change Business to his existing service offerings, but if he went solely "Fleet Business" then he could make this work, by hiring some fixed site Oil and Lube employees.
For English Speaking truck supervisors, I recommend that he go to the Mormon Church regional Stake Centers.
That's what we do.
I've seen many mobile oil change rigs for sale on Craig's List and in the newspapers.
I think many folks try to start these types of businesses and do not have a clue as to what they are doing, run them for a while and sell their rigs, perhaps even for "take-over payments" or 50% of what they had cost them.
Sure, he could buy a unit that way, a nice setup, fairly new, and go for it.
I personally, am somewhat underwhelmed by the mobile oil change business and its ROI compared to other service businesses.
The reason we got into it, (OilChangeGuys.
com) was mostly to add additional services to existing fleet washing customers.
Other than that well, I've never really liked the business much, as it is kind of a pain in the butt.
If you want some information on the Oil Change Business, I can give you tons of information on the industry, how to market it and maintain efficiency without huge inventories? Think on this.