How to Catch Pinfish
- 1). Attach the hook to the end of your fishing line. I prefer the UniKnot but any knot that will hold when you catch a pinfish will do. There is no need to construct a leader for catching pinfish as bait.
- 2
Mustad 92661 size 8 works perfect to catch pinfish.
Hook a small amount of peeled shrimp onto your hook. Typically a half of a peeled shrimp is all you will need. - 3). Select a good location to catch pinfish from. Areas around fish cleaning tables are a great place to catch a lot of pinfish. The pinfish feed on the scraps of the fish people have cleaned and catching them where they feed is your best bet.
- 4). Cast your bait out. Do not reel in all of the slack on the line. Pinfish will pick at the bait sometimes before fully taking it. Allow the pinfish to run for a second or two before setting the hook to make sure you catch the fish and don't miss it.
- 5). Reel in your fresh caught pinfish.
- 6). Place your pinfish in the bait bucket and repeat from step 2.