The Effect of Massage on Cellulite
- Your skin is tethered to your muscles by cords of connective tissue, and in between your skin and muscle lies fat. When fatty deposits are clustered in one area, they push against the skin as the connective cords work to pull in the skin, giving the appearance of puckers.
- Vigorous massage therapy is one of a slew of treatment options that are commonly thought to be helpful in dealing with cellulite. The increased blood flow, which the massage stimulates, is speculated to eliminate toxins and reduce excess fluid in the cellulite-affected areas.
- To a small extent, massage works to redistribute fat, and thus slightly diminish the appearance of cellulite. But since massage does not alter a person's body constitution, this effect is only temporary.
- Cellulite cannot be cured because it is not a medical condition. It's simply one aspect of appearance based on body constitution. That is why more women than men tend to develop cellulite---women are predisposed toward higher body-fat percentages than men are.
- Keeping your muscles toned and your body-fat percentage within a healthy range are the most effective ways to reduce the appearance of cellulite.
What Causes Cellulite