What to know before claiming mis sold mortgage
United Kingdom is a place where the rights of their citizens are strictly protected. The laws are made in such a way that the innocent party can claim all the damages and compensation from the guilty party. These laws are spread over corporate dealing as well as civil life. When the case is brought into the court, the court highlights the facts of the case and in some cases there is an overall new decision and where the facts are similar to the precedent of old cases then the penalty is taken over from that precedent. These days' mis sold mortgage compensation cases have been increased in the courts of United Kingdom.
This is not any type of mortgage; it is the type of claim which the consumer can demand from the court once the giver of mortgage misleads the consumer. Mis sold mortgage compensation is demanded by the taker of the mortgage once the lender gets into greed and demand for high level of interest rather than what was decided during the time of signing of contract. If the mortgage was done over fixed interest payment and the lender starts breaching the contract by applying higher level of interest or varies the principal amount then the burden is on taker of mortgage as they have to pay more than what they should actually pay.
Lenders usually mis sold mortgage to those borrowers who are not aware of all the legal points that should be presented in the contract and they are also unaware of mis sold mortgage compensation. In this way the lender has the chance to gather higher number of interests and may escape easily once the contract is over. In most of the cases borrowers go to the financial brokers who can arrange mortgage for you and they may not advice you the best mortgage because of the greed of receiving their commission from the lenders. If you have been mis sold mortgage by the lender or by the broker then before claiming mis sold mortgage compensation you must be confident that the lenders is breaching the contract by charging higher number of interest or principal amount or by demanding the payments on unusual basis. While presenting your case in the court you must bring all documents that were signed and were available during the time of sale of mortgage. Payments receipts should also be made available as evidence.
Hence the burden to prove that the mortgage was mis sold is on the borrower and if it is proven by the evidences that the lender has breached the contract and is claiming the amount of interest or principal more than what was decided during the time of contract or is taking payments on unusual basis then http://www.justclaims.co.uk/mis-sold-mortgages>mis sold mortgage compensation will be rewarded to the borrower. In most cases the extra amounts of payments are rewarded where as compensation depends upon how much the innocent party is affected by the greedy attitude of lender.
This is not any type of mortgage; it is the type of claim which the consumer can demand from the court once the giver of mortgage misleads the consumer. Mis sold mortgage compensation is demanded by the taker of the mortgage once the lender gets into greed and demand for high level of interest rather than what was decided during the time of signing of contract. If the mortgage was done over fixed interest payment and the lender starts breaching the contract by applying higher level of interest or varies the principal amount then the burden is on taker of mortgage as they have to pay more than what they should actually pay.
Lenders usually mis sold mortgage to those borrowers who are not aware of all the legal points that should be presented in the contract and they are also unaware of mis sold mortgage compensation. In this way the lender has the chance to gather higher number of interests and may escape easily once the contract is over. In most of the cases borrowers go to the financial brokers who can arrange mortgage for you and they may not advice you the best mortgage because of the greed of receiving their commission from the lenders. If you have been mis sold mortgage by the lender or by the broker then before claiming mis sold mortgage compensation you must be confident that the lenders is breaching the contract by charging higher number of interest or principal amount or by demanding the payments on unusual basis. While presenting your case in the court you must bring all documents that were signed and were available during the time of sale of mortgage. Payments receipts should also be made available as evidence.
Hence the burden to prove that the mortgage was mis sold is on the borrower and if it is proven by the evidences that the lender has breached the contract and is claiming the amount of interest or principal more than what was decided during the time of contract or is taking payments on unusual basis then http://www.justclaims.co.uk/mis-sold-mortgages>mis sold mortgage compensation will be rewarded to the borrower. In most cases the extra amounts of payments are rewarded where as compensation depends upon how much the innocent party is affected by the greedy attitude of lender.