Closer To Truth: ESP
There is an ongoing PBS TV series (also several books and also a website) called "Closer To Truth".
It is hosted by neuroscientist Robert Lawrence Kuhn.
He's featured in one-on-one interviews and panel discussions with the cream of the cream of today's cosmologists, physicists, philosophers, theologians, psychologists, etc.
on all of the Big Questions surrounding a trilogy of broad topics - Cosmos; Consciousness; Meaning.
The trilogy collectively dealt with reality, space and time, mind and consciousness, aliens, theology and on and on and on.
Here are a few of my comments on one of the general topics covered, ESP and related psychic subjects.
Does ESP Make Sense 1? Does ESP make sense? Well if ESP made any sense, if say telepathy actually existed, then I probably wouldn't be here writing this in the here and now.
Why? If most people sensed and knew what I was thinking about them, especially drivers, they would have long since beaten me about the head and body until I was a bloody pulp.
In a more general vein, I'm not aware of any assault or any crime involving violence that can be attributed to anyone reacting to what anyone else was thinking.
I mean what if you walked down the street of some fundamentalist Islamic town thinking all sorts of nasty things about Allah and company.
Nothing would happen.
As the saying goes, "you can't go to jail for what you are thinking" because thoughts are private.
Given the number of people thinking nasty thoughts that would seriously offend other people, probably millions of such occurrences per day, yet nothing transpires as a result, would seem to discredit the idea of ESP or telepathy as a viable phenomena.
Does ESP Make Sense 2? If ESP made any sense, how could teachers guard against students cheating on exams? How could the military protect highly classified documents? How could you protect yourself from others finding out the most intimate details of your love letters, you bank account numbers, the contents of your will, and associated privacy issues? There's been a lot of angst recently displayed over the issues of electronic snooping, but I don't seem to recall any concern over ESP as being part of the everyday tool-kit used for terrorism; diplomatic, corporate or military espionage; or as a ways and means used by criminals to further their get-rich-quick schemes.
If ESP were legit, well blackmail would really be rampant.
Does ESP Make Sense 3? If ESP/Telepathy/Remote Viewing and related psychic phenomena really existed it would make for an absolutely level playing field since all knowledge and all secrets would be in theory equally available to all.
Even your most private thoughts wouldn't be private any more.
We don't seem to have a level playing field - never have; not now; never will.
There are various absurdities of things that would have to have been documented but haven't been, like levitation.
What hasn't been documented is prisoners floating out of their prison courtyards to freedom.
Surely that should of happened at least once! Speaking of prisoners, if there were really such a thing as mind-over-matter then prisoners could mentally unlock their handcuffs and prison cell doors.
You could mentally pick door-locks and bank vault safe locks, or maybe just float valuables from where they are to where you are.
The law could never trace murder to you if you murdered at a distance by say giving your victim a mind-over-matter heart attack.
There's no shortage of criminal mischief you could get up to.
I don't recall any court cases where mind-over-matter was established as the ways-and-means of doing the crime.
If there were such a thing as precognition then we'd all be billionaires.
Or, perhaps one might like to argue that all billionaires past and present have had or currently have precognition and they just like to keep that their little family secret.
In short, you could take any of the various individual phenomena that collectively make up all things psychic and come up with things that could and should eventuate as a consequence, yet don't.
Does ESP Make Sense 4? Let's explore the notion that mind-over-matter exists.
What sort of things might we expect to have been the case if such a concept were really true and a property of the mind that is part and parcel of each and every one of us, especially if it were non-physical and could violate the laws, principles and relationships of physics.
Well one question that comes to mind is why NASA didn't employ mind power instead of chemical rockets to send humans into space and to the Moon? It would have saved the taxpayer millions and millions.
Related, why do planes require aviation gas or jet fuel? Surely the pilot could just use mind power to get passengers or cargo from place A to place B.
In fact you could commute to work in your car on an empty tank! I gather you could supply all the energy requirements for your home, supply the heat and light the lights, just cause those electrons to flow, all with just a flick of your mental power and abilities.
For that matter, what need of the Large Hadron Collider when physicists could accelerate and slam particles together using just their minds? If your mind had control over chemistry, there would be no excuse for the obesity epidemic.
You could smoke without fear and drink like a fish.
For that matter, you could turn lead into gold! Sports wouldn't be very sporting-like.
A routine fly ball would be willed by the batter to become a home run.
A baseball pitcher would be invincible game after game since his mind would control the twisting flightpath of the ball instead of relying on aerodynamics.
In golf every shot would be a hole-in-one; in tenpin bowling every ball bowled would be a strike; in basketball every toss would go through the hoops.
Chess on the other hand might still be aboveboard.
Any condemned convict could ensure their execution would be negated.
The rope breaks; the rifle bullets miss; the lethal cocktail of chemicals turn into harmless substances; the neck is mightier than the sword or the guillotine.
If you were so inclined, you could change the wording on documents to benefit you, change a one dollar bill into a one hundred dollar bill, or alter the actual appearance of playing cards and thus never loose a game.
History would certainly be different.
If Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan had applied mind-over-matter abilities to their war efforts, they would have won World War Two in a matter of just weeks - or less.
Seriously, all these 'what if" scenarios imply that mind-over-matter must have a physical mechanism since in each and every case matter and energy is being manipulated.
If you do believe in ESP and related psychic phenomena, like mind-over-matter, yet you can't come up with a physical explanation that independents can verify, well okay, you do have an escape clause.
You could be a virtual being in a simulated universe and all psi phenomena is just programmed software.
Does ESP Reveal the Nonphysical? For ESP to reveal something about the non-physical, one must first demonstrate that ESP actually exists.
Since ESP has not been so demonstrated in any peer-reviewed scientific journal, since if it had been there would be no need to have these discussions on "Closer to Truth", then the bona-fide existence of ESP is still up for grabs.
While there is a near total lack of evidence for the establishment of ESP, there is lots of evidence that points in the direction that ESP doesn't exist.
There has to be an actual mechanism that links the sender or the target with the receiver.
Claiming that there is a non-physical mechanism that is beyond detection is a cop-out.
One can claim all manner of phenomena but when asked to put-up-or-shut-up one just says that it has a non-physical explanation which nobody can actually pin down.
As to what that non-physical mechanism is, it's just pure pie-in-the-sky mysticism.
It's not scientific to a scientist; it's not acceptable to the average layperson either.
It's like claiming to have an invisible friend but not being able to convince anyone because nobody else, including the claimant, can actually see, touch, taste, smell or hear anything tangible about this invisible entity.
Okay, there has to be an actual physical mechanism for ESP if ESP is to claim to have some sort of validity.
Alas, as has been more than adequately pointed out, if our brain/mind can detect ESP signals then it must be possible to construct an artificial detector that does the same thing.
Further, we can build detectors vastly more sensitive than anything the human sensory apparatus, hence the brain/mind, can detect.
Results to date equate to absolute zero.
Resorting to a non-physical mechanism is a cop-out; nothing that can be construed to be a physical mechanism can be independently verified.
Is ESP a Window on a Larger Reality? For ESP to be taken as a window on a larger reality, one must first prove in an accepted peer-reviewed manner that ESP (and related bits and pieces) actually exists.
Now there are some phenomena that don't sit still, phenomena that are so random that it is difficult for investigators to come to terms with their reality or non-reality.
Examples are UFOs, ghosts, Bigfoot (Sasquatch), and related.
However, ESP doesn't fall into that category.
ESP sits still.
You have target A and person B or person A and person B and they are both fixed and static.
They can be tested again and again.
There's nothing hit-or-miss or random about this.
Now what is telling about all of this, quite apart from the idea that nobody has an actual clue what the ESP (and related) mechanism is, is that despite thousands of experiments and millions of "I know what I experienced" events, despite the elapse of hundreds of years of these sorts of investigations, nothing has been set in stone.
You would think that by now, if there was any structure and substance to the entire validity of the ESP field, that issues would have been settled long ago.
The fact that this debate over ESP and the nature therefore of a theoretical larger reality is still going on, is suggestive that nothing is going on.
If there were any nuts-and-bolts reality to this whole area of parapsychology, it would have long since been documented and written up in the textbooks and taught to students with as much conviction as the teachings of the reality of those laws of gravity and of motion.
It is hosted by neuroscientist Robert Lawrence Kuhn.
He's featured in one-on-one interviews and panel discussions with the cream of the cream of today's cosmologists, physicists, philosophers, theologians, psychologists, etc.
on all of the Big Questions surrounding a trilogy of broad topics - Cosmos; Consciousness; Meaning.
The trilogy collectively dealt with reality, space and time, mind and consciousness, aliens, theology and on and on and on.
Here are a few of my comments on one of the general topics covered, ESP and related psychic subjects.
Does ESP Make Sense 1? Does ESP make sense? Well if ESP made any sense, if say telepathy actually existed, then I probably wouldn't be here writing this in the here and now.
Why? If most people sensed and knew what I was thinking about them, especially drivers, they would have long since beaten me about the head and body until I was a bloody pulp.
In a more general vein, I'm not aware of any assault or any crime involving violence that can be attributed to anyone reacting to what anyone else was thinking.
I mean what if you walked down the street of some fundamentalist Islamic town thinking all sorts of nasty things about Allah and company.
Nothing would happen.
As the saying goes, "you can't go to jail for what you are thinking" because thoughts are private.
Given the number of people thinking nasty thoughts that would seriously offend other people, probably millions of such occurrences per day, yet nothing transpires as a result, would seem to discredit the idea of ESP or telepathy as a viable phenomena.
Does ESP Make Sense 2? If ESP made any sense, how could teachers guard against students cheating on exams? How could the military protect highly classified documents? How could you protect yourself from others finding out the most intimate details of your love letters, you bank account numbers, the contents of your will, and associated privacy issues? There's been a lot of angst recently displayed over the issues of electronic snooping, but I don't seem to recall any concern over ESP as being part of the everyday tool-kit used for terrorism; diplomatic, corporate or military espionage; or as a ways and means used by criminals to further their get-rich-quick schemes.
If ESP were legit, well blackmail would really be rampant.
Does ESP Make Sense 3? If ESP/Telepathy/Remote Viewing and related psychic phenomena really existed it would make for an absolutely level playing field since all knowledge and all secrets would be in theory equally available to all.
Even your most private thoughts wouldn't be private any more.
We don't seem to have a level playing field - never have; not now; never will.
There are various absurdities of things that would have to have been documented but haven't been, like levitation.
What hasn't been documented is prisoners floating out of their prison courtyards to freedom.
Surely that should of happened at least once! Speaking of prisoners, if there were really such a thing as mind-over-matter then prisoners could mentally unlock their handcuffs and prison cell doors.
You could mentally pick door-locks and bank vault safe locks, or maybe just float valuables from where they are to where you are.
The law could never trace murder to you if you murdered at a distance by say giving your victim a mind-over-matter heart attack.
There's no shortage of criminal mischief you could get up to.
I don't recall any court cases where mind-over-matter was established as the ways-and-means of doing the crime.
If there were such a thing as precognition then we'd all be billionaires.
Or, perhaps one might like to argue that all billionaires past and present have had or currently have precognition and they just like to keep that their little family secret.
In short, you could take any of the various individual phenomena that collectively make up all things psychic and come up with things that could and should eventuate as a consequence, yet don't.
Does ESP Make Sense 4? Let's explore the notion that mind-over-matter exists.
What sort of things might we expect to have been the case if such a concept were really true and a property of the mind that is part and parcel of each and every one of us, especially if it were non-physical and could violate the laws, principles and relationships of physics.
Well one question that comes to mind is why NASA didn't employ mind power instead of chemical rockets to send humans into space and to the Moon? It would have saved the taxpayer millions and millions.
Related, why do planes require aviation gas or jet fuel? Surely the pilot could just use mind power to get passengers or cargo from place A to place B.
In fact you could commute to work in your car on an empty tank! I gather you could supply all the energy requirements for your home, supply the heat and light the lights, just cause those electrons to flow, all with just a flick of your mental power and abilities.
For that matter, what need of the Large Hadron Collider when physicists could accelerate and slam particles together using just their minds? If your mind had control over chemistry, there would be no excuse for the obesity epidemic.
You could smoke without fear and drink like a fish.
For that matter, you could turn lead into gold! Sports wouldn't be very sporting-like.
A routine fly ball would be willed by the batter to become a home run.
A baseball pitcher would be invincible game after game since his mind would control the twisting flightpath of the ball instead of relying on aerodynamics.
In golf every shot would be a hole-in-one; in tenpin bowling every ball bowled would be a strike; in basketball every toss would go through the hoops.
Chess on the other hand might still be aboveboard.
Any condemned convict could ensure their execution would be negated.
The rope breaks; the rifle bullets miss; the lethal cocktail of chemicals turn into harmless substances; the neck is mightier than the sword or the guillotine.
If you were so inclined, you could change the wording on documents to benefit you, change a one dollar bill into a one hundred dollar bill, or alter the actual appearance of playing cards and thus never loose a game.
History would certainly be different.
If Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan had applied mind-over-matter abilities to their war efforts, they would have won World War Two in a matter of just weeks - or less.
Seriously, all these 'what if" scenarios imply that mind-over-matter must have a physical mechanism since in each and every case matter and energy is being manipulated.
If you do believe in ESP and related psychic phenomena, like mind-over-matter, yet you can't come up with a physical explanation that independents can verify, well okay, you do have an escape clause.
You could be a virtual being in a simulated universe and all psi phenomena is just programmed software.
Does ESP Reveal the Nonphysical? For ESP to reveal something about the non-physical, one must first demonstrate that ESP actually exists.
Since ESP has not been so demonstrated in any peer-reviewed scientific journal, since if it had been there would be no need to have these discussions on "Closer to Truth", then the bona-fide existence of ESP is still up for grabs.
While there is a near total lack of evidence for the establishment of ESP, there is lots of evidence that points in the direction that ESP doesn't exist.
There has to be an actual mechanism that links the sender or the target with the receiver.
Claiming that there is a non-physical mechanism that is beyond detection is a cop-out.
One can claim all manner of phenomena but when asked to put-up-or-shut-up one just says that it has a non-physical explanation which nobody can actually pin down.
As to what that non-physical mechanism is, it's just pure pie-in-the-sky mysticism.
It's not scientific to a scientist; it's not acceptable to the average layperson either.
It's like claiming to have an invisible friend but not being able to convince anyone because nobody else, including the claimant, can actually see, touch, taste, smell or hear anything tangible about this invisible entity.
Okay, there has to be an actual physical mechanism for ESP if ESP is to claim to have some sort of validity.
Alas, as has been more than adequately pointed out, if our brain/mind can detect ESP signals then it must be possible to construct an artificial detector that does the same thing.
Further, we can build detectors vastly more sensitive than anything the human sensory apparatus, hence the brain/mind, can detect.
Results to date equate to absolute zero.
Resorting to a non-physical mechanism is a cop-out; nothing that can be construed to be a physical mechanism can be independently verified.
Is ESP a Window on a Larger Reality? For ESP to be taken as a window on a larger reality, one must first prove in an accepted peer-reviewed manner that ESP (and related bits and pieces) actually exists.
Now there are some phenomena that don't sit still, phenomena that are so random that it is difficult for investigators to come to terms with their reality or non-reality.
Examples are UFOs, ghosts, Bigfoot (Sasquatch), and related.
However, ESP doesn't fall into that category.
ESP sits still.
You have target A and person B or person A and person B and they are both fixed and static.
They can be tested again and again.
There's nothing hit-or-miss or random about this.
Now what is telling about all of this, quite apart from the idea that nobody has an actual clue what the ESP (and related) mechanism is, is that despite thousands of experiments and millions of "I know what I experienced" events, despite the elapse of hundreds of years of these sorts of investigations, nothing has been set in stone.
You would think that by now, if there was any structure and substance to the entire validity of the ESP field, that issues would have been settled long ago.
The fact that this debate over ESP and the nature therefore of a theoretical larger reality is still going on, is suggestive that nothing is going on.
If there were any nuts-and-bolts reality to this whole area of parapsychology, it would have long since been documented and written up in the textbooks and taught to students with as much conviction as the teachings of the reality of those laws of gravity and of motion.