Requirements for Home Health Providers
- Home health providers are required to obtain a state license to operate as a home health agency or other type of health service. The process to receive a state license is to complete the application process and provide the required fee to the appropriate state agency. State licenses will then need to be renewed by completing a renewal application and sending in the required fee. An initial survey will need to be conducted by the state before a license is issued.
- Home health services, such as a home health agency, are required to be licensed by their state before obtaining federal certification for Medicare. The Federal Social Security Act describes a home health agency and states the requirements that are necessary. In addition, there are Medicare Conditions of Participation or CoPs which are requirements and quality standards that need to be met for acceptability by Medicare.
- OASIS is the Outcome and Assessment Information Set, a collection of data or information that is used to monitor and improve home health care outcomes. Data is used to assess the core items of assessment for patients who are in adult home care. Data is also used to measure the outcomes of patients to determine outcome-based quality improvement. Home health agencies are required to notify patents of their rights concerning OASIS data before comprehensive assessments are conducted.
- Home heath services may receive periodic inspections or investigations at any time without any prior notice being given. Inspections are performed to ensure compliance with various state and federal regulations and licensing requirements. Inspections can consist of viewing all properties and records of the business. Noncompliance of a home health service or failure to adhere to state or federal law can only be cited by reasons listed in the federal or state Operation Manuals.
- The State Operation Manual lists circumstances in which a home health service can be cited for noncompliance. One circumstance given is when the jurisdictional state or federal authority have both determined that a violation has occurred and have taken an adverse action against the home health service.
State License
Federal Certification
Interpretive Guidelines