There"s No Luck With Penis Enlargement - You Have to Earn It
It is not uncommon with human nature to want "something for nothing." After all, we are an intelligent species and why should we struggle if we can acquire our needs utilizing the least amount of energy and effort?
The same ideal applies to penis enlargement. Many men feel that they can take pills or strap on a patch and gain miraculous results overnight. However, this is not the case. It is sort of like diet pills, where people believe they can take some pills and lose weight. Of course, with diet pills, the results are more realistic, as they do increase metabolism and help burn off calories. But the most logical answer to losing weight is to decrease the amount of calories you take in and increase the amount of calories you burn (through exercise). This is the best way to lose weight. Not by starving yourself or taking some pills that are going to send your metabolism shooting to the moon.
Unlike diet pills, most penis enlargement pills/patches don't work. So we're back to the "something for nothing" syndrome. While it's great to believe there is such a way to increase the size of the penis (and the marketing companies will be the first to tell you there is); the fact of the matter is you have to apply time, effort, energy, and knowledge into enlarging the size of your penis. This is done through what is called Natural Penis Enlargement through Exercises.
These exercises aren't the same type of exercises you would perform at a work-out gym or by jogging around the block. They are simple stretches, pulls, and squeezes that are best done in the privacy of your own home at your own pace. Usually about twenty minutes per day is required but that also depends on your enlargement program. So to get those size increases you want - work is involved to get them.
But it's one of the greatest forms of exercising you will ever engage in. Not only are the results rewarding and very exciting, but it helps a man better understand his sexual system and to, now don't laugh, help him get in touch with himself. It's almost a form of meditation for some men. And when a man has accomplished his goals of enlarging himself - through his own work and efforts - the reward is far greater than anything any pill may have done for you.
To learn Serious methods of Penis, Sexual, & Orgasm Enlargement, read IRON MAN PENIS.
Georg von Neumann
Dr. von Neumann has over twenty years experience in the medical field. He co-authored IRON MAN PENIS - THE RUSSIAN SYSTEM, a manual on helping men get the most out of their Sexual Potential. Not just the usual recycled material found on the Internet, but special and unique material on Penis Enlargement, Increasing Male Stamina, Orgasm Enlargement, and ALL aspects of creating an IRON MAN PENIS; much of the material was researched in Russia. Learn the SEVEN CRITICAL ASPECTS OF PENIS ENLARGEMENT and become the ultimate sexual machine.
The same ideal applies to penis enlargement. Many men feel that they can take pills or strap on a patch and gain miraculous results overnight. However, this is not the case. It is sort of like diet pills, where people believe they can take some pills and lose weight. Of course, with diet pills, the results are more realistic, as they do increase metabolism and help burn off calories. But the most logical answer to losing weight is to decrease the amount of calories you take in and increase the amount of calories you burn (through exercise). This is the best way to lose weight. Not by starving yourself or taking some pills that are going to send your metabolism shooting to the moon.
Unlike diet pills, most penis enlargement pills/patches don't work. So we're back to the "something for nothing" syndrome. While it's great to believe there is such a way to increase the size of the penis (and the marketing companies will be the first to tell you there is); the fact of the matter is you have to apply time, effort, energy, and knowledge into enlarging the size of your penis. This is done through what is called Natural Penis Enlargement through Exercises.
These exercises aren't the same type of exercises you would perform at a work-out gym or by jogging around the block. They are simple stretches, pulls, and squeezes that are best done in the privacy of your own home at your own pace. Usually about twenty minutes per day is required but that also depends on your enlargement program. So to get those size increases you want - work is involved to get them.
But it's one of the greatest forms of exercising you will ever engage in. Not only are the results rewarding and very exciting, but it helps a man better understand his sexual system and to, now don't laugh, help him get in touch with himself. It's almost a form of meditation for some men. And when a man has accomplished his goals of enlarging himself - through his own work and efforts - the reward is far greater than anything any pill may have done for you.
To learn Serious methods of Penis, Sexual, & Orgasm Enlargement, read IRON MAN PENIS.
Georg von Neumann
Dr. von Neumann has over twenty years experience in the medical field. He co-authored IRON MAN PENIS - THE RUSSIAN SYSTEM, a manual on helping men get the most out of their Sexual Potential. Not just the usual recycled material found on the Internet, but special and unique material on Penis Enlargement, Increasing Male Stamina, Orgasm Enlargement, and ALL aspects of creating an IRON MAN PENIS; much of the material was researched in Russia. Learn the SEVEN CRITICAL ASPECTS OF PENIS ENLARGEMENT and become the ultimate sexual machine.