About Kitchen Chalkboards
- Kitchen chalkboards are a handy place to leave personal messages.i love you image by openlens from Fotolia.com
A chalkboard in the kitchen can serve as a family message board, where members write important notes and things to remember. It can also act as a menu, calendar or phone number list. Family members might write inspirational or funny quotes. Artistic drawings and lettering can make the chalkboard decorative as well as functional. - When choosing a chalkboard for your kitchen, keep in mind what it will be used for. If you will use it for making a grocery list, a small chalkboard near the refrigerator might suffice. If you will be using it for a calendar, however, you might select a larger chalkboard and place it away from the food prep area.
- Plain chalkboards should be available at your local office supply store. More decorative chalkboards are available at most home decor and department stores. Be sure to pick up the proper supplies for mounting the type of chalkboard you use.
- Use chalkboard paint as an alternative to a chalkboard.paint supplies image by jimcox40 from Fotolia.com
Chalkboard paint is a popular, economical alternative to a traditional chalkboard. It is available for purchase at nearly every outlet where paint is sold. It is applied like regular paint, but once dry, the finish is just like that of a regular chalkboard. Use chalkboard paint to cover large sections of wall, kitchen cabinets or even wood furniture. - Select a white piece of chalk to prepare your chalkboard.chalk in a bucket image by Tammy Mobley from Fotolia.com
A new chalkboard or freshly-applied chalkboard paint should be broken in before use. To do so, cover the entire piece of chalkboard with white chalk. Rub it in thoroughly with an eraser or cloth before cleaning. - A microfiber towel is an effective tool for cleaning a chalkboard.Microfiber Towel - Rolled image by MrGreenBug from Fotolia.com
The best way to clean your chalkboard is with a dry chalkboard eraser or microfiber towel. If the chalkboard is especially dirty, use a damp rag. Dry the chalkboard immediately after cleaning.
Chalkboard Paint