How to Find WordPress Config
- 1). Click on the "Windows Explorer" icon on your taskbar.
- 2). Double-click on the file folder icon or the name of your WordPress folder to open the directory. Scroll down to find "wp-config.php." The directory will only contain the file if you've downloaded it from your Web server after WordPress was installed. If it doesn't exist, use the file "wp-config-sample.php" as a template to create your own.
- 3). Contact your Web hosting company to get the name of the database that holds your blog information, the username and password used to access it and the name of the server on which it is stored. Alternatively, find the information in the "Databases" section of your Web hosting control panel.
- 4). Open "wp-config-sample.php" with a text editor. Follow the directions in the file to fill in the database name, username, password and host name in the spaces indicated, replacing the placeholder names between the single quotes.
- 5). Open a Web browser and navigate to the URL given in the file under "Authentication Unique Keys and Salts." Highlight the block of text from the browser window. Right-click on the highlighted text, and then click on "Copy" to copy it to your clipboard.
- 6). Return to your text editor. Highlight the block of text that begins with "define('AUTH_KEY'." Right-click on the highlighted text, and then click on "Paste" to replace it with the information you copied from the website.
- 7). Click on "File" in the "File" menu followed by "Save as." Type "wp-config.php" into the "File name" box. Click the "Save" button to save the new "wp-config.php" file.
- 1). Log into your Web server using the username and password provided by your Web hosting company.
- 2). Click on the "Control Panel" icon or menu item to access your control panel.
- 3). Click on the "File Cabinet" icon to go to your files. The icon or name may vary depending on your server. Open the directory where you installed your WordPress files. If your blog is the home page on your website, you'll usually find those files in the root folder, which is the main folder for your website. Scroll through the file list to find "wp-config.php."
On Your Computer
Through Your Website's Control Panel