Bid Good Bye To Your Mental Disorders With Help Of Abilify
Mental disorders are often caused due to the over activity or under activity of certain neurotransmitters inside the brain. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter whose over activity makes the Schizophrenia to set in a person. Schizophrenia, bipolar disorders and depressive disorders make you ill mentally and, in all honesty, make life miserable for the sufferer and his/her near and dear ones. It is very essential to undergo a medication as soon as a mental disorder condition appears; Abilify is one drug that works very well in treating Schizophrenia and other mental disorders.
Abilify treats a lot of mental disorders
Abilify is a drug from the class of antipsychotic drugs. It treats Schizophrenia in people older than 13. It is also used as a supporting drug when depressive disorders could not be treated alone with anti depressants. It combines well with anti depressants to provide people suffering from depression and other depressive disorders relief. Its fantastic chemical formula also makes it a powerful weapon against the dangers of manic depressive disorders in which patients tend to suffer from bouts of mania besides depression. Abilify is also used to treat various symptoms of Autism in children at least 6 years or older. One thing that must be kept in mind about Abilify is that it treats the symptoms and not the problem as a whole.
Mechanism of action
The basic mechanism of the working of Abilify is very plain and simple. All it does is it to regulate the activities of neuotransmitters that are responsible for altering the balance of the mental health of a person. Nerve cells in brains communicate with each other through these neurotransmitters, which are actually chemicals released by the nerve cells itself. Abilify, being a Dopamine antagonist, puts the lid on the over activity of Dopamine, which is what is primarily responsible for Schizophrenia. By containing the over activity of Dopamine, various symptoms of Schizophrenia such as hallucinations, self disgust, impaired thinking, and inappropriate emotions tend to go away, thus providing the sufferer a massive relief and a more balanced life again.
Who should not consume Abilify
One can consume Abilify if one suffers from above mentioned disorders, however, one should not use it to treat Dementia as it may cause more harm than benefit. Also, women who are pregnant, plan to get pregnant or lactating a baby should also remain abstain from using Abilify.
Abilify treats a lot of mental disorders
Abilify is a drug from the class of antipsychotic drugs. It treats Schizophrenia in people older than 13. It is also used as a supporting drug when depressive disorders could not be treated alone with anti depressants. It combines well with anti depressants to provide people suffering from depression and other depressive disorders relief. Its fantastic chemical formula also makes it a powerful weapon against the dangers of manic depressive disorders in which patients tend to suffer from bouts of mania besides depression. Abilify is also used to treat various symptoms of Autism in children at least 6 years or older. One thing that must be kept in mind about Abilify is that it treats the symptoms and not the problem as a whole.
Mechanism of action
The basic mechanism of the working of Abilify is very plain and simple. All it does is it to regulate the activities of neuotransmitters that are responsible for altering the balance of the mental health of a person. Nerve cells in brains communicate with each other through these neurotransmitters, which are actually chemicals released by the nerve cells itself. Abilify, being a Dopamine antagonist, puts the lid on the over activity of Dopamine, which is what is primarily responsible for Schizophrenia. By containing the over activity of Dopamine, various symptoms of Schizophrenia such as hallucinations, self disgust, impaired thinking, and inappropriate emotions tend to go away, thus providing the sufferer a massive relief and a more balanced life again.
Who should not consume Abilify
One can consume Abilify if one suffers from above mentioned disorders, however, one should not use it to treat Dementia as it may cause more harm than benefit. Also, women who are pregnant, plan to get pregnant or lactating a baby should also remain abstain from using Abilify.