How to Profit From the Warrior Forum
Anyone who has any experience hanging around the Warrior Forum knows that it is a goldmine in a number of different ways, especially for those in the make money online niche.
Where else, whether we're talking online or offline, can you learn so much free information while promoting your business at the same time? If you play your cards correctly you can no doubt profit in unimaginable ways through the now incredibly famous forum.
The thing about the forum is that Warriors are a different breed.
They pretty much self police the entire forum, protecting it from spammers and those who are simply contributing for the wrong reasons.
If you go around blatantly self promoting you will very quickly be exiled - possibly for life.
I'll never understand why anyone would want to spam their links on such a quality community.
There is absolutely no value in doing so as it will quickly be deleted and you've passed up a golden opportunity to build a long term relationship with your potential followers and customers.
My Favorite WF Tactic There is no shortage of ways to promote your business and build a list of quality subscribers.
I learned early on that the quality of your list is far more important than the size of your list.
On any given morning I can wake up and know that I've received 5-10 subscribers through the link to my squeeze page in my signature.
Is this a good thing? Sure.
Does it end up adding monetary value to my bottom line? To be honest, I'm not sure.
When I focus on building my list I want to know that I have as many buyers on there as possible.
For all I know these people that are subscribing to my list may not even own a credit card which ends up being pretty pointless.
This is the primary reason that I always advise against offering a free WSO.
Let's take a look at some of the numbers from a recent test of mine, shall we? The cost to list my free WSO is $40 (add $37 if you're not yet a War Room member but I have been for a while now so I'm not adding that to my costs).
I ended up getting 36 subscribers from the venture - not bad but not ideal either.
The general rule of thumb is that if you can get a subscriber for $1 or less you're doing a great job, I paid about $1.
11 so numbers wise it was an alright investment.
If you look at things from a different point of view, a more lucrative and effective strategy for list building is to charge for a WSO and give 100% commissions.
List owners are constantly searching for high commission products that convert well to promote.
You now have a much wider audience for your product.
Instead of only reaching the subscribers on your list and those who are browsing the WSO section and happen to stumble upon a free product, your offer will not be in front of the lists of plenty of fellow Warriors who are looking to cash in on your product.
Chase Your Thank Count, Not Your Post Count! I've been a warrior forum member since 2010 and like others when I started out I was chasing a post count because I thought that it would add credibility.
In my mind, I thought that the people who got the most attention and benefited from the forum the most were those who were seen the most often.
The problem is that it is actually counterproductive because nobody really cares how many times you've posted, it's completely irrelevant.
If you've spent any amount of time on the forum you've undoubtedly noticed those passive spammers who practice the exact strategy that I'm trying to advise not to do.
You take a look at the "last post" column and see the same name repeatedly with a bunch of intelligent and insightful posts such as "thanks for the post" or "I agree".
I'm not exaggerating at all when I say that I make a mental note of such people and remind myself to never purchase or promote any products of theirs.
The far more practical and effective route to go is to try and get as many "thanks" as you can.
A large number of thanks is a lot more indicative of a helpful contributor who may have a lot of value to offer if you join their list or purchase their products.
As of late, even if it's subconsciously, I've been looking at the post to thanks ratio.
If someone has 2,000 posts and 100 thanks, I know that they've been doing a lot of self promotion and not a lot of contributing.
The only point that I'm trying to make with this is how counterproductive it is to simply make posts just to make posts.
There are far better ways to use your time.
Effective Use of Your Signature I always have 3 links in my signature.
The first one goes to a sales page whether it's my own hosted site or a WSO thread of mine.
I love the fact that I can make money in my sleep because I have advertisements attached to posts of mine when I'm helping folks out on the forum.
The second link will be to a squeeze page.
For those who aren't interested in my paid product or if they don't have the money to purchase, they have easy access to some valuable information of mine which is mutually beneficial.
They get a helpful free report and I get another subscriber to my list.
The last link, as you can probably guess, is to my IM blog.
If someone doesn't want to purchase a product or join my list, they still have the option of browsing my blog.
Perhaps if they like something enough they will syndicate it onto their own blog and give me some extra exposure.
By having multiple links available to my potential followers, I have all angles covered and there is something in there for everyone.
The only thing that is left to do is to help others when they need it and to be genuine and truthful to the community.
Any type of shady activity will quickly be brought to light and you'll be stuck on the outside looking in.
Last but not least - enjoy yourself.
The warrior forum is a community full of brilliant and engaging marketers, take advantage!
Where else, whether we're talking online or offline, can you learn so much free information while promoting your business at the same time? If you play your cards correctly you can no doubt profit in unimaginable ways through the now incredibly famous forum.
The thing about the forum is that Warriors are a different breed.
They pretty much self police the entire forum, protecting it from spammers and those who are simply contributing for the wrong reasons.
If you go around blatantly self promoting you will very quickly be exiled - possibly for life.
I'll never understand why anyone would want to spam their links on such a quality community.
There is absolutely no value in doing so as it will quickly be deleted and you've passed up a golden opportunity to build a long term relationship with your potential followers and customers.
My Favorite WF Tactic There is no shortage of ways to promote your business and build a list of quality subscribers.
I learned early on that the quality of your list is far more important than the size of your list.
On any given morning I can wake up and know that I've received 5-10 subscribers through the link to my squeeze page in my signature.
Is this a good thing? Sure.
Does it end up adding monetary value to my bottom line? To be honest, I'm not sure.
When I focus on building my list I want to know that I have as many buyers on there as possible.
For all I know these people that are subscribing to my list may not even own a credit card which ends up being pretty pointless.
This is the primary reason that I always advise against offering a free WSO.
Let's take a look at some of the numbers from a recent test of mine, shall we? The cost to list my free WSO is $40 (add $37 if you're not yet a War Room member but I have been for a while now so I'm not adding that to my costs).
I ended up getting 36 subscribers from the venture - not bad but not ideal either.
The general rule of thumb is that if you can get a subscriber for $1 or less you're doing a great job, I paid about $1.
11 so numbers wise it was an alright investment.
If you look at things from a different point of view, a more lucrative and effective strategy for list building is to charge for a WSO and give 100% commissions.
List owners are constantly searching for high commission products that convert well to promote.
You now have a much wider audience for your product.
Instead of only reaching the subscribers on your list and those who are browsing the WSO section and happen to stumble upon a free product, your offer will not be in front of the lists of plenty of fellow Warriors who are looking to cash in on your product.
Chase Your Thank Count, Not Your Post Count! I've been a warrior forum member since 2010 and like others when I started out I was chasing a post count because I thought that it would add credibility.
In my mind, I thought that the people who got the most attention and benefited from the forum the most were those who were seen the most often.
The problem is that it is actually counterproductive because nobody really cares how many times you've posted, it's completely irrelevant.
If you've spent any amount of time on the forum you've undoubtedly noticed those passive spammers who practice the exact strategy that I'm trying to advise not to do.
You take a look at the "last post" column and see the same name repeatedly with a bunch of intelligent and insightful posts such as "thanks for the post" or "I agree".
I'm not exaggerating at all when I say that I make a mental note of such people and remind myself to never purchase or promote any products of theirs.
The far more practical and effective route to go is to try and get as many "thanks" as you can.
A large number of thanks is a lot more indicative of a helpful contributor who may have a lot of value to offer if you join their list or purchase their products.
As of late, even if it's subconsciously, I've been looking at the post to thanks ratio.
If someone has 2,000 posts and 100 thanks, I know that they've been doing a lot of self promotion and not a lot of contributing.
The only point that I'm trying to make with this is how counterproductive it is to simply make posts just to make posts.
There are far better ways to use your time.
Effective Use of Your Signature I always have 3 links in my signature.
The first one goes to a sales page whether it's my own hosted site or a WSO thread of mine.
I love the fact that I can make money in my sleep because I have advertisements attached to posts of mine when I'm helping folks out on the forum.
The second link will be to a squeeze page.
For those who aren't interested in my paid product or if they don't have the money to purchase, they have easy access to some valuable information of mine which is mutually beneficial.
They get a helpful free report and I get another subscriber to my list.
The last link, as you can probably guess, is to my IM blog.
If someone doesn't want to purchase a product or join my list, they still have the option of browsing my blog.
Perhaps if they like something enough they will syndicate it onto their own blog and give me some extra exposure.
By having multiple links available to my potential followers, I have all angles covered and there is something in there for everyone.
The only thing that is left to do is to help others when they need it and to be genuine and truthful to the community.
Any type of shady activity will quickly be brought to light and you'll be stuck on the outside looking in.
Last but not least - enjoy yourself.
The warrior forum is a community full of brilliant and engaging marketers, take advantage!