Ginger"s Health Benefits
Ginger has many health benefits and as one of the more popular spices it is very easy to obtain and use in your everyday diet and people have been doing so for over 5,000 years.
Ginger is particularly good at relieving the symptoms of nausea and therefore good for tackling morning sickness and motion sickness.
Also often taken in the form of tea it is good for calming heartburn.
Ginger is commonly used to help with cold and flu symptoms as this warming spice is a natural decongestant and is said to ease headaches as well as being an antihistamine.
Recent tests show that ginger can help slow tumour growth in colorectal cancer and in ovarian cancer it is said promote cell death.
When ginger is mixed with brown sugar in warm water it can relieve cramps caused by premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in women as the ginger is a natural painkiller and the brown sugar is said to tranquillise the nervous system and therefore relieve pain as reported in the Daily Mail recently.
Ginger is also good for sufferers of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) as it reduces gas and inflammation by breaking down proteins in fatty foods.
It also reduces the amount of cholesterol that the body absorbs as recent studies have shown.
All the above health benefits come from chemicals called volatile oils such as shogaols and gingerols that are found in ginger.
You can use ginger in the form of root ginger or ground ginger, both of which can be found in most food outlets.
Ginger is particularly good at relieving the symptoms of nausea and therefore good for tackling morning sickness and motion sickness.
Also often taken in the form of tea it is good for calming heartburn.
Ginger is commonly used to help with cold and flu symptoms as this warming spice is a natural decongestant and is said to ease headaches as well as being an antihistamine.
Recent tests show that ginger can help slow tumour growth in colorectal cancer and in ovarian cancer it is said promote cell death.
When ginger is mixed with brown sugar in warm water it can relieve cramps caused by premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in women as the ginger is a natural painkiller and the brown sugar is said to tranquillise the nervous system and therefore relieve pain as reported in the Daily Mail recently.
Ginger is also good for sufferers of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) as it reduces gas and inflammation by breaking down proteins in fatty foods.
It also reduces the amount of cholesterol that the body absorbs as recent studies have shown.
All the above health benefits come from chemicals called volatile oils such as shogaols and gingerols that are found in ginger.
You can use ginger in the form of root ginger or ground ginger, both of which can be found in most food outlets.