What Makes a Biblical Expert?
What makes a biblical expert? Is this someone who knows and understands everything or most of the stuff that is written within the Holy Bible or just someone who reads from it? I believe that a biblical expert is someone who does understand and has the ability to easily explain Bible text and versus.
This would clearly be someone who could explain Christianity and the Bible to someone who is under 10 years old.
A biblical expert would also be someone who would never make a statement about a Bible verse, with out being able to provide satisfactory scientific evidence to support their claims.
For example, a biblical expert would never say that Sampson pushed over a building, without having enough evidence to support these claims.
A biblical expert isn't someone who can quote Bible verses or someone who can stand in front of a large group of followers and give their opinions about the Bible, with out telling the followers that this is just their opinion.
I don't have any facts or evidence to support the claims that they have just made, but wanted to share their Christian views with the congregation.
One of the biggest problems I have with the so-called Bible experts is the fact that they make claims like they're actually facts.
I just recently had someone tell me that the Bible is truly the written word of God and could provide me with tons of information.
Most of the information that so called biblical experts refer to, doesn't have much to stand on.
What do you really want to be, a Bible expert who has the ability to reason or a biblical expert that's telling stories like their events that actually happened.
If the Bible is easy to understand, Bible experts should be able to provide easy answers.
I haven't ran into someone that I would consider to be an expert on the Bible, yet.
If you're out there and have some time, I would love to ask you some questions.
This would clearly be someone who could explain Christianity and the Bible to someone who is under 10 years old.
A biblical expert would also be someone who would never make a statement about a Bible verse, with out being able to provide satisfactory scientific evidence to support their claims.
For example, a biblical expert would never say that Sampson pushed over a building, without having enough evidence to support these claims.
A biblical expert isn't someone who can quote Bible verses or someone who can stand in front of a large group of followers and give their opinions about the Bible, with out telling the followers that this is just their opinion.
I don't have any facts or evidence to support the claims that they have just made, but wanted to share their Christian views with the congregation.
One of the biggest problems I have with the so-called Bible experts is the fact that they make claims like they're actually facts.
I just recently had someone tell me that the Bible is truly the written word of God and could provide me with tons of information.
Most of the information that so called biblical experts refer to, doesn't have much to stand on.
What do you really want to be, a Bible expert who has the ability to reason or a biblical expert that's telling stories like their events that actually happened.
If the Bible is easy to understand, Bible experts should be able to provide easy answers.
I haven't ran into someone that I would consider to be an expert on the Bible, yet.
If you're out there and have some time, I would love to ask you some questions.