How to Train Two Puppies to Potty Outside
- 1). Take both dogs outside to the area they can relieve themselves after they drink, eat or sleep. Also, take the puppies out every 30 to 40 minutes to prevent accidents. Once you notice a pattern to the puppies' bathroom habits, you can create a schedule. Look for habits the puppies do when they need to go out. For example, many dogs sniff around for an area to use the bathroom. When you see the behaviors, take the dogs outside. Praise the puppies when they relieve themselves outside.
- 2). Say the same word or phrase when it's time to go outside. Pick a word or phrase you do not use all the time in regular conversation. For example, if you don't often say "get busy," use it as a command to go outside.
- 3). Tell the animals, "No," without yelling, immediately after they go, if they relieve themselves in the house If you wait more than five minutes, the puppy may not remember what it did. Do not push their nose into the mess. Take the puppies outside as soon as possible.