Present Moment 7
The long drawn-out youga practices will not do for the world; now people do not have days or even hours to spare. We need methods that yield quick results. If a man makes a seven day commitment, by the ned of that period he should begin to feedl that something has happened to him. He should become a different man in seven days' time€¦. So, I say,practice today and feel the relut immediately. Now it is the jet age; now meditation cannot afford to be slow. It has to pick up speed.
Prem Amrito
How to use this Book: In using this book as a guide in mediation you do not have to read it from cover to cover before trying any of the dedication. Use the book intuitively. Glance thorough it and choose some section or meditation that appeals to you.
For example, you may prefer to jump right into one of the meditations in Part III and get your feet wet before reading the guidelines. Go by what feels good to you.
After choosing a meditation try it for at least three days and if it feels good, continue doing it and go deeper. The important thing is to experiment playfully and simply ask yourself: Does this meditation help my jay and sensitivity to keep growing?
Meditating to Music: Music and meditation are two aspects of the same phenomenon. And without music, meditation lacks something: without music, meditation is a little dull, unalike. Without meditation, music is simply noise-harmonious, but noise. Without meditation, music is an entertainment; music and meditation should go to get her. That adds a new dimension to both. Both are enriched by it.
Downloadable music and CD's have been prepared to support many of the active methods: OSHO Devavani, OSHO Dynamic, OSHO Gurishankar, OSHO Kundalini, OSHO Mandala, OSHO Nadabrahma, OSHO Natraj, OSHO No-Dimensions, OSHO prayer, and Whirling Meditations. Information regarding this music is available on page 302.
The Use of Roman and Italic Taxt: Nearly all the material in book is excepted from talks given by OSho and is printed in normal roman text. The sources of these excepts are given at the back of the book.
There are a few selection in the book, for example the summary instructions for several of the meditations, which are based on Osh's approach but are not actually given in his own words. To show the difference, these pieces have been printed in italics.
Prem Amrito
How to use this Book: In using this book as a guide in mediation you do not have to read it from cover to cover before trying any of the dedication. Use the book intuitively. Glance thorough it and choose some section or meditation that appeals to you.
For example, you may prefer to jump right into one of the meditations in Part III and get your feet wet before reading the guidelines. Go by what feels good to you.
After choosing a meditation try it for at least three days and if it feels good, continue doing it and go deeper. The important thing is to experiment playfully and simply ask yourself: Does this meditation help my jay and sensitivity to keep growing?
Meditating to Music: Music and meditation are two aspects of the same phenomenon. And without music, meditation lacks something: without music, meditation is a little dull, unalike. Without meditation, music is simply noise-harmonious, but noise. Without meditation, music is an entertainment; music and meditation should go to get her. That adds a new dimension to both. Both are enriched by it.
Downloadable music and CD's have been prepared to support many of the active methods: OSHO Devavani, OSHO Dynamic, OSHO Gurishankar, OSHO Kundalini, OSHO Mandala, OSHO Nadabrahma, OSHO Natraj, OSHO No-Dimensions, OSHO prayer, and Whirling Meditations. Information regarding this music is available on page 302.
The Use of Roman and Italic Taxt: Nearly all the material in book is excepted from talks given by OSho and is printed in normal roman text. The sources of these excepts are given at the back of the book.
There are a few selection in the book, for example the summary instructions for several of the meditations, which are based on Osh's approach but are not actually given in his own words. To show the difference, these pieces have been printed in italics.