Home Medical Equipment Resource Guide II - Product Recommendations For Specific Healthcare Needs
The following article discusses products that provide a solution to specific physical and medical challenges faced by us all as we age.
The information is presented in a manner that will provide you with the product category, the specific physical challenge and the product recommended to overcome that challenge.
The most common product category we discuss with our customers are the Aids to Daily Living.
We find that most of our customers are not aware of the many products offered in this category.
There is nothing more satisfying than to have a customer say "that product would help us tremendously".
As we discuss our customers' challenges we usually ask the following questions: A person will call or walk through our door and explain how they can no longer bend over to pick up items, or reach for items in cupboards.
We confirm with them that the challenge they face is difficulty reaching, bending or stretching.
When the customer's face lights up and agrees that is their issue we ask that they consider the following: --Reacher / Grabber An older gentleman called us on the phone and explained that he is embarrassed to ask his children or grandchildren for help opening his applesauce jar.
We asked him if he feels that he has problems with hand dexterity, i.
gripping, turning lids, door knobs, etc.
When he stated that we hit the nail on the head, we asked him to consider the following products.
--Jar Opener --Door Knob Turning Assistant --Button Opener and Zipper Puller --Handy Grip Bag Gripper --Lamp Switch Assist --Seat Belt Handle --Key Turner --Easy Utensil Grips --Long Handle Hair Brush --Long Handle Hair Comb --Bendable Utensils --Two Handle Mug --Kennedy Cup Many times we have the children of aging parents come to us with a scenario where they do not feel their parents are safe living alone.
They may also tell us they are opening the next chapter in their life and asking their parents to move into their home.
The first area we ask them to consider is the safety of using the shower or commode.
Statistics show this is a very dangerous area for falls.
Our advice is to please consider the following products to increase mobility and safety: --Grab Bars --Tub Bars --Uplift Commode --Bedside Commode --Raised Toilet Seats --Toilet Safety Frame --Shower/Bath Chairs --Shower/Bath Transfer Benches --Hand Held Shower --Bath Safety Treads A gentleman came to visit us and said his wife was embarrassed by the fact that he held on to the back of her pants when assisting her to walk.
When our customers require assistance with ambulation and transferring we recommend the following solutions: --Gait and Transfer Belts --Safety Sure Pivot Disc --Transfer Board --Chair Belt As we age we find the ability to walk long distances or maintain balance seems to leave us.
The customers we see that face these challenges with the following products find that there limitations are overcome: --Transport Chair --Travel Rollator --Travel Walker --Rollators --Canes --Wheelchairs --Walkers and Accessories --Scooters --Ramps The lift chair is a fabulous invention.
We all know a loved one who has his or her favorite chair.
As our ability to transition from a sitting to standing position decreases, we suggest the following products: --Security Pole and Grab Bars --Super Pole --Lift Chairs --Uplift or UpEasy Power Seats --Smart Rails --Dependa Bars It is difficult to accept that our physical abilities are not what they once were.
A signal that our abilities have decreased comes when we find putting shoes and socks on or off to be difficult.
When we are asked to help we recommend the following products.
--Extra Long Shoe Horn --Sock and Stocking Aid --Elastic Shoelaces --Lock Laces In our culture we know that there seems to be a pill for everything that ails you.
The management of proper medication dosage can become complex and dangerous.
The following products help lessen the concern over medication dispensing and storage: --Easy Grip Pill Box --Pill Box and Splitter --One Week Plus Today Pill Box --Pill Pal 4 in 1 Pill Box --Calibrated Medicine Cup --Auto Drop Eye Dropper We all have had the experience of visiting our loved one's homes and finding their T.
at a volume that would compare to a rock concert.
What can be even more frustrating for care givers is being asked to repeat themselves numerous times.
Another challenge we face is that the small print in most newspapers becomes impossible to read.
If you or a loved one have hearing or vision challenges these products could provide a solution: --Hearing Aid Batteries --Self-Fitting Hearing Aid and Accessories --Phone Amplifiers --Alarm Clocks --Door Knock Signaler --Oval Eye Patch --Magnifier Reader A terrifying scenario is caring for a loved one who has dementia.
One of the most frightening aspects is wandering.
As a Caregiver if you face the challenge of your loved one wandering this product may be a perfect solution.
--Wander Alarm Care givers will stop by and explain how their loved one does not have the same dexterity they once had.
They will explain how they damage or stain clothing quite often.
To overcome this challenge we recommend the following products.
--Waterproof Mealtime Protector --Smoker's Apron It is very important today for us to take control of our health and wellness.
In order to keep you or your family and friends protected from incorrect medical treatment due to allergies or specific medical conditions please consider the following devices.
--Medical ID Bracelet --MedFlash When an injury occurs, most of us do not plan for that injury.
To help protect the injured areas such as finger injuries, wounds or casts please consider the following solutions.
--Rubber Finger Cots --Universal Velcro Splints --Shower Cast Protectors Millions of Americans are afflicted with Diabetes.
There are several well known products that aid in managing this disease.
The challenge we find people face is knowing that while a certain product may "do the job" it may not be the perfect fit for that individual.
The mind set for a diabetic should be to understand that everyone is different and what may work or be acceptable for others may not be the perfect solution for that individual.
Taking a proactive approach and educating yourself on all the products and the differences between the administration, usage, etc.
of these products may improve your quality of life.
When you need blood glucose monitoring equipment, portable testing supplies or travel organizers, we ask that you consider the following devices.
--Sidekick Blood Glucose Testing System --One Touch Ultra Mini Blood Glucose Testing System --Pen Plus Wallet --On the Go Organizer --Everyday Organizer --Travel Organizer For those who have to self administer insulin you may find that your current devices are not as safe or easy as the products below.
Also, please keep in mind the additional supplies you may need to maintain your health.
--Ultra Fine III Short Insulin Pen needle --Ultra Fine III Insulin Pen Needle --Ultra Fine Insulin Syringe --Safety Insulin Syringe --Oral Syringe w/Tip Cap --Safe Clip Needle clipper --Alcohol Prep Pads --Med Ice A horrible result of Diabetes can be skin and nail afflictions.
We recommend the products listed below to help protect your skin and nails before it becomes an issue.
--Atract-Tain moisturizing cream --Diabet-X Skin Care --Diabet-X Body Wash --Diabet-X Antifungal Skin Treatment --Diabet-X Callus Treatment --Foot and Nail Care Kit --Socks
The information is presented in a manner that will provide you with the product category, the specific physical challenge and the product recommended to overcome that challenge.
The most common product category we discuss with our customers are the Aids to Daily Living.
We find that most of our customers are not aware of the many products offered in this category.
There is nothing more satisfying than to have a customer say "that product would help us tremendously".
As we discuss our customers' challenges we usually ask the following questions: A person will call or walk through our door and explain how they can no longer bend over to pick up items, or reach for items in cupboards.
We confirm with them that the challenge they face is difficulty reaching, bending or stretching.
When the customer's face lights up and agrees that is their issue we ask that they consider the following: --Reacher / Grabber An older gentleman called us on the phone and explained that he is embarrassed to ask his children or grandchildren for help opening his applesauce jar.
We asked him if he feels that he has problems with hand dexterity, i.
gripping, turning lids, door knobs, etc.
When he stated that we hit the nail on the head, we asked him to consider the following products.
--Jar Opener --Door Knob Turning Assistant --Button Opener and Zipper Puller --Handy Grip Bag Gripper --Lamp Switch Assist --Seat Belt Handle --Key Turner --Easy Utensil Grips --Long Handle Hair Brush --Long Handle Hair Comb --Bendable Utensils --Two Handle Mug --Kennedy Cup Many times we have the children of aging parents come to us with a scenario where they do not feel their parents are safe living alone.
They may also tell us they are opening the next chapter in their life and asking their parents to move into their home.
The first area we ask them to consider is the safety of using the shower or commode.
Statistics show this is a very dangerous area for falls.
Our advice is to please consider the following products to increase mobility and safety: --Grab Bars --Tub Bars --Uplift Commode --Bedside Commode --Raised Toilet Seats --Toilet Safety Frame --Shower/Bath Chairs --Shower/Bath Transfer Benches --Hand Held Shower --Bath Safety Treads A gentleman came to visit us and said his wife was embarrassed by the fact that he held on to the back of her pants when assisting her to walk.
When our customers require assistance with ambulation and transferring we recommend the following solutions: --Gait and Transfer Belts --Safety Sure Pivot Disc --Transfer Board --Chair Belt As we age we find the ability to walk long distances or maintain balance seems to leave us.
The customers we see that face these challenges with the following products find that there limitations are overcome: --Transport Chair --Travel Rollator --Travel Walker --Rollators --Canes --Wheelchairs --Walkers and Accessories --Scooters --Ramps The lift chair is a fabulous invention.
We all know a loved one who has his or her favorite chair.
As our ability to transition from a sitting to standing position decreases, we suggest the following products: --Security Pole and Grab Bars --Super Pole --Lift Chairs --Uplift or UpEasy Power Seats --Smart Rails --Dependa Bars It is difficult to accept that our physical abilities are not what they once were.
A signal that our abilities have decreased comes when we find putting shoes and socks on or off to be difficult.
When we are asked to help we recommend the following products.
--Extra Long Shoe Horn --Sock and Stocking Aid --Elastic Shoelaces --Lock Laces In our culture we know that there seems to be a pill for everything that ails you.
The management of proper medication dosage can become complex and dangerous.
The following products help lessen the concern over medication dispensing and storage: --Easy Grip Pill Box --Pill Box and Splitter --One Week Plus Today Pill Box --Pill Pal 4 in 1 Pill Box --Calibrated Medicine Cup --Auto Drop Eye Dropper We all have had the experience of visiting our loved one's homes and finding their T.
at a volume that would compare to a rock concert.
What can be even more frustrating for care givers is being asked to repeat themselves numerous times.
Another challenge we face is that the small print in most newspapers becomes impossible to read.
If you or a loved one have hearing or vision challenges these products could provide a solution: --Hearing Aid Batteries --Self-Fitting Hearing Aid and Accessories --Phone Amplifiers --Alarm Clocks --Door Knock Signaler --Oval Eye Patch --Magnifier Reader A terrifying scenario is caring for a loved one who has dementia.
One of the most frightening aspects is wandering.
As a Caregiver if you face the challenge of your loved one wandering this product may be a perfect solution.
--Wander Alarm Care givers will stop by and explain how their loved one does not have the same dexterity they once had.
They will explain how they damage or stain clothing quite often.
To overcome this challenge we recommend the following products.
--Waterproof Mealtime Protector --Smoker's Apron It is very important today for us to take control of our health and wellness.
In order to keep you or your family and friends protected from incorrect medical treatment due to allergies or specific medical conditions please consider the following devices.
--Medical ID Bracelet --MedFlash When an injury occurs, most of us do not plan for that injury.
To help protect the injured areas such as finger injuries, wounds or casts please consider the following solutions.
--Rubber Finger Cots --Universal Velcro Splints --Shower Cast Protectors Millions of Americans are afflicted with Diabetes.
There are several well known products that aid in managing this disease.
The challenge we find people face is knowing that while a certain product may "do the job" it may not be the perfect fit for that individual.
The mind set for a diabetic should be to understand that everyone is different and what may work or be acceptable for others may not be the perfect solution for that individual.
Taking a proactive approach and educating yourself on all the products and the differences between the administration, usage, etc.
of these products may improve your quality of life.
When you need blood glucose monitoring equipment, portable testing supplies or travel organizers, we ask that you consider the following devices.
--Sidekick Blood Glucose Testing System --One Touch Ultra Mini Blood Glucose Testing System --Pen Plus Wallet --On the Go Organizer --Everyday Organizer --Travel Organizer For those who have to self administer insulin you may find that your current devices are not as safe or easy as the products below.
Also, please keep in mind the additional supplies you may need to maintain your health.
--Ultra Fine III Short Insulin Pen needle --Ultra Fine III Insulin Pen Needle --Ultra Fine Insulin Syringe --Safety Insulin Syringe --Oral Syringe w/Tip Cap --Safe Clip Needle clipper --Alcohol Prep Pads --Med Ice A horrible result of Diabetes can be skin and nail afflictions.
We recommend the products listed below to help protect your skin and nails before it becomes an issue.
--Atract-Tain moisturizing cream --Diabet-X Skin Care --Diabet-X Body Wash --Diabet-X Antifungal Skin Treatment --Diabet-X Callus Treatment --Foot and Nail Care Kit --Socks