If You"re Starting a Tropical Freshwater Fish Aquarium With Friends Then Stick to the Facts
Normally when you start a new hobby you start it alone, but there are times of course when a group of people will get excited about something and start it together.
Enter possible problem.
When you start a freshwater fish aquarium as a group you tend to listen to each other rather than the facts.
You know how it is.
You're in a group discussing excitedly about a new hobby, and this chap over here has a great idea about how to go about it whilst that other chap over there "knows" that his way forward is right 'cos he saw his uncle do it once.
Ideas are flying all over the place and normally with zero knowledge about the real facts of the matter.
As an excited and well meaning group you tend to launch out into cloud nine with the wildest of dreams and ideas as you wholeheartedly agree with each other's thoughts though you yourself have absolutely no idea if what they're saying is correct or not.
It happens all the time.
Lots of assumption and excitement but none of it based on researched knowledge and that my friend leads to a hobby lasting less than one month.
It's always the same case whether you're alone or in a group.
Do your research first.
I promise you that without that you will most certainly fail at the first hurdle because your assumptions will not get you through successfully.
Research doesn't take long and it's really interesting anyway, as you discover facts about starting a tropical freshwater fish aquarium which you never even knew about before.
So come on folks, if you're going to start a fish aquarium then start it correctly with the correct knowledge.
That way you can be sure of your hobby lasting a lifetime and not a month.
Enter possible problem.
When you start a freshwater fish aquarium as a group you tend to listen to each other rather than the facts.
You know how it is.
You're in a group discussing excitedly about a new hobby, and this chap over here has a great idea about how to go about it whilst that other chap over there "knows" that his way forward is right 'cos he saw his uncle do it once.
Ideas are flying all over the place and normally with zero knowledge about the real facts of the matter.
As an excited and well meaning group you tend to launch out into cloud nine with the wildest of dreams and ideas as you wholeheartedly agree with each other's thoughts though you yourself have absolutely no idea if what they're saying is correct or not.
It happens all the time.
Lots of assumption and excitement but none of it based on researched knowledge and that my friend leads to a hobby lasting less than one month.
It's always the same case whether you're alone or in a group.
Do your research first.
I promise you that without that you will most certainly fail at the first hurdle because your assumptions will not get you through successfully.
Research doesn't take long and it's really interesting anyway, as you discover facts about starting a tropical freshwater fish aquarium which you never even knew about before.
So come on folks, if you're going to start a fish aquarium then start it correctly with the correct knowledge.
That way you can be sure of your hobby lasting a lifetime and not a month.