Funny Laws That Still Stand in Florida
- Don't go to jail for skydiving.Oliver Furrer/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images
Imagine getting a citation for something you had no idea was against the law. Not something sensible like speeding in an area where you were confused about the speed limit. More like getting fined for the way you are dressed or having the wrong marital status. Many states have ridiculous laws that are officially on the books, even if they aren't actually enforced. Florida is among the states that have some funny laws that you probably won't get arrested for, but technically you could get in some trouble for violating. - Perhaps Florida's most discriminatory law involves an extreme sport. Single women who decide to go parachuting in Florida on Sunday can be jailed for it, according to The Best Article website on the world's strangest laws. Considering there are lots of skydiving opportunities throughout Florida, there's a good chance this law gets broken many weekends out of the year.
- Strapless dresses aren't uncommon in the Sunshine State. The warm weather and sunshine make this style of dress popular for those ladies who want to defend against tan lines on their shoulders. But if you're a man, you are violating the law by donning one of these gowns.
Florida state law prohibits a male from being seen in public while wearing a strapless dress. Apparently this law isn't taken seriously or the mass of cross dressers in Key West during Fantasy Fest would be a goldmine for ticket revenues. - If you own a public building that is intended for public entertainment, such as theaters or the opera you might have to redesign your front door to technically be in compliance with state laws. Doors must be hinged so that they open outward toward the front of the building. Having a set of doors that swing inward violates the law.
- Keep your skateboards out of the police stations in Miami if you want to avoid trouble. In Miami it is against the law to skate in a police station. Although having a law on this matter makes the rule abundantly clear, it seems difficult to believe that anyone would think this was an acceptable idea to begin with.
- Barking like a dog, howling at the moon and maybe even dancing the Funky Chicken can land you in hot water in South Florida. Miami law makes it illegal for anyone to imitate an animal. If this applies to party animals, then South Beach is in big trouble.
The Single Parachute Enthusiast
Men Going Strapless
Outward Opening Doors
Miami Skate-Free Zone
No Animal Imitations