What Are the Super Foods?
- Spinach is a superfood loaded with phytonutrients.Blattspinat image by Yvonne Bogdanski from Fotolia.com
Superfoods have been said to provide more than a dozen health benefits, including helping you maintain optimal cholesterol levels, lowering your risk of heart disease and even preventing cancer. One of the best benefits is increasing your mood. You can find superfoods at your local grocery store; health benefits are as close as your nearest supermarket. - Soy is a superfood that can lower your cholesterol. Statins are a commonly used prescription medication that lowers cholesterol. However, a diet consisting of plant steroids, derived from almonds, soy fiber, margarine and barley protein can lower cholesterol as well as statins, according to a study performed in 2003 by The Journal of the American Medical Association.
- Tea is also a superfood that lowers cholesterol but also helps prevent cancer. Green tea and black tea provide the same level of antioxidants. However, you will not find Epigallocatechin gallate (ECGC)—a very potent antioxidant—in black tea. Green tea has been shown to lower cholesterol and even prevent cancer cell growth.
- Omega 3’s can be found in many foods today, but those found in fish are very beneficial. Omega 3 is a superfood that supports your heart, joints and even your memory. Omega 3’s found in fatty, cold-water fish are the most predominant. The types of fish include sardines, mackerel, wild salmon and herring. Try to get two or three fish servings a week. You can also find beneficial Omega 3’s in walnuts, fortified eggs and flax seed.
- Blueberries are a superfood with antioxidants and phytoflavinoids. Blueberries are high in Vitamin C and potassium. This superfood is an anti-inflammatory and reduces your risk of cancer and heart disease. The darker the berry the more antioxidants it contains.
- It is important to always have a diet that is high in fiber in order to maintain healthy levels of cholesterol and blood sugar. Fiber is also a superfood that aids weight loss, as it makes you feel full for a longer period of time. The best sources of fiber come from vegetables, whole grains, fruit and beans.
Omega 3's