Rusa Deer Hunting in New Zealand
- A hunting permit issued by the Department of Conservation is required to legally hunt rusa deer on public land. Permits are issued by local DOC offices. Before you can get a permit to hunt with firearms you will need a firearms license from the New Zealand Police. To hunt on private land you simply need the owners permission.
- The Department of Conservation allows rusa deer hunting year-round. However local DOC offices may establish seasons or restrictions as they see fit. The roar, or rut, is the best time of year for taking rusa dear and lasts four weeks and typically occurs from June to August.
- According to the Department of Conservation, rusa deer have a limited population, but the best place to hunt them is Te Urewera National Park. The park is located north-west corner of New Zealand's North Island.
- New Zealand Hunting Info contends that stalking rusa deer is difficult, and that the best means is to stake out clearings in winter where rusa will come to warm themselves in the sun and offer a long shot.