Divorce, Stepparents and 50 Shades of Grey
It seems like the whole world is abuzz about 50 Shades of Grey and its two sequels. The trilogy chronicles the sadomasochistic relationship between Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey, who also happens to be a billionaire. Discussions about these books mostly revolve around their erotic plots, but Anastasia's background throws the spotlight on an unusual twist about stepparents' legal rights. You see, Anastasia is a child of divorce. Instead of sticking with her mother, Carla, who has been married four times, she chose to live with her stepfather, Ray. This piece of information explains a lot about why Anastasia was so drawn to Christian and how she managed to hold onto him.
Divorce and Shared Parental Responsibility
Every year, more than one million children start splitting their time between two households. Many ex-spouses attempt to divvy up the parental responsibilities. Visitation rights are often thoroughly hammered out during divorce proceedings. While people often bemoan the fact that kids are shuttled back and forth like this, it can actually result in some positive personality traits. Most notably, children of divorce tend to be more flexible and resilient when it comes to love and relationships. They don't often see things in terms of black and white, which is definitely true about Anastasia Steele.
Living with a Stepparent
In years past, the idea of a child remaining with a stepparent instead of a biological parent was downright bizarre. However, stepparents are increasingly stepping up to the plate and taking more active, loving roles in their stepchildrenâEUR(TM)s' lives. That's clearly what happened to Anastasia. After all, her stepfather Ray had a profound influence on her life. The fact that she chose to stay with him instead of with her mother, who now lives in Georgia with her fourth husband, Bob, is quite telling. Courts used to be primarily concerned about biological connections, but psychological connections between stepchildren and stepparents are becoming more important.
Ray's Influence on Anastasia
In addition to being a stable, loving presence in Anastasia's life, Ray helped her develop many traits that would prove to be useful when dealing with Christian. He taught her to be driven. As an ex-Army man, he also taught her how to use guns safely and effectively. In addition to that, he stressed the importance of remaining calm while under pressure. Many stepchildren acquire positive traits from their stepparents, especially when they live with their stepparents prior to their teenage years.
Arriving at a Parental Agreement
If a child's parent and stepparent divorce, he doesn't necessarily have to stay with his biological parent. Florida laws regarding these matters are complex though. If you find yourself in this type of situation, you should definitely seek the assistance of a skilled divorce attorney. Although Anastasia's experience with divorce ultimately benefited her in the end, that's less likely to happen if certain steps aren't taken. Even in the most complicated situations though, it's usually possible to arrive at a solution that is agreeable to everyone. Visit the Baird Law Group website for more information.
Divorce and Shared Parental Responsibility
Every year, more than one million children start splitting their time between two households. Many ex-spouses attempt to divvy up the parental responsibilities. Visitation rights are often thoroughly hammered out during divorce proceedings. While people often bemoan the fact that kids are shuttled back and forth like this, it can actually result in some positive personality traits. Most notably, children of divorce tend to be more flexible and resilient when it comes to love and relationships. They don't often see things in terms of black and white, which is definitely true about Anastasia Steele.
Living with a Stepparent
In years past, the idea of a child remaining with a stepparent instead of a biological parent was downright bizarre. However, stepparents are increasingly stepping up to the plate and taking more active, loving roles in their stepchildrenâEUR(TM)s' lives. That's clearly what happened to Anastasia. After all, her stepfather Ray had a profound influence on her life. The fact that she chose to stay with him instead of with her mother, who now lives in Georgia with her fourth husband, Bob, is quite telling. Courts used to be primarily concerned about biological connections, but psychological connections between stepchildren and stepparents are becoming more important.
Ray's Influence on Anastasia
In addition to being a stable, loving presence in Anastasia's life, Ray helped her develop many traits that would prove to be useful when dealing with Christian. He taught her to be driven. As an ex-Army man, he also taught her how to use guns safely and effectively. In addition to that, he stressed the importance of remaining calm while under pressure. Many stepchildren acquire positive traits from their stepparents, especially when they live with their stepparents prior to their teenage years.
Arriving at a Parental Agreement
If a child's parent and stepparent divorce, he doesn't necessarily have to stay with his biological parent. Florida laws regarding these matters are complex though. If you find yourself in this type of situation, you should definitely seek the assistance of a skilled divorce attorney. Although Anastasia's experience with divorce ultimately benefited her in the end, that's less likely to happen if certain steps aren't taken. Even in the most complicated situations though, it's usually possible to arrive at a solution that is agreeable to everyone. Visit the Baird Law Group website for more information.