Business Calling
It is said that 75% of all Americans have a desire to own a business yet only 5% actually take the step.
Business ownership is extremely rewarding in many ways yet only a small percentage take the plunge.
For some it is merely a fleeting desire to have their own business.
There is no conviction in that goal.
For others it is a desire that appears at a major transition in their lives and once things settle down, so too does the desire (i.
I lost my job, this is a good time to explore business ownership; Found another job, that's it for business ownership) For many it is F.
R (False Evidence Appearing Real), making assumptions of the market place, customers, employees and a score of other factors all as rationalizations for not going into business.
For a portion, there is the lack of support from family especially their spouse.
I must say from my own experience, without the unconditional support of your spouse, your thought has been crushed at inception.
For a majority, it is the lack of self-confidence.
You have no chance of owning a business if you have doubts about yourself.
Great inspirational legend, Earl Nightingale said "We become what we think about.
" Rich Devos says: "The only thing that stands between a person and what they want in life is the will to try it and the faith to believe it possible.
" I believe that people get a calling to be in their own business.
This constant thought of wanting your own business, seeing yourself in your own business, to the point where you drive those around you crazy.
If you are part of this small group that gets a calling, please don't ignore it.
You have been selected from a precious few to have your own business.
With great faith and belief, take the plunge of freedom.
Being in business is not easy nor is it for everyone, but the mere fact that you had a thought, cultivate it, don't deny yourself this magnificent opportunity and proceed as Mac Anderson says in The Nature of Success (www.
com): "Behind me is infinite power.
Before me is endless possibility.
Around me is boundless opportunity.
Why should I fear?" Discover the world of business.
Business ownership is extremely rewarding in many ways yet only a small percentage take the plunge.
For some it is merely a fleeting desire to have their own business.
There is no conviction in that goal.
For others it is a desire that appears at a major transition in their lives and once things settle down, so too does the desire (i.
I lost my job, this is a good time to explore business ownership; Found another job, that's it for business ownership) For many it is F.
R (False Evidence Appearing Real), making assumptions of the market place, customers, employees and a score of other factors all as rationalizations for not going into business.
For a portion, there is the lack of support from family especially their spouse.
I must say from my own experience, without the unconditional support of your spouse, your thought has been crushed at inception.
For a majority, it is the lack of self-confidence.
You have no chance of owning a business if you have doubts about yourself.
Great inspirational legend, Earl Nightingale said "We become what we think about.
" Rich Devos says: "The only thing that stands between a person and what they want in life is the will to try it and the faith to believe it possible.
" I believe that people get a calling to be in their own business.
This constant thought of wanting your own business, seeing yourself in your own business, to the point where you drive those around you crazy.
If you are part of this small group that gets a calling, please don't ignore it.
You have been selected from a precious few to have your own business.
With great faith and belief, take the plunge of freedom.
Being in business is not easy nor is it for everyone, but the mere fact that you had a thought, cultivate it, don't deny yourself this magnificent opportunity and proceed as Mac Anderson says in The Nature of Success (www.
com): "Behind me is infinite power.
Before me is endless possibility.
Around me is boundless opportunity.
Why should I fear?" Discover the world of business.