Top 5 Sex Advice Books
Developing a great sex life with your spouse requires good communication and a willingness to not put your marital intimacy and romance on the back burner. Sometimes the stress of daily life and taking one another for granted become barriers to good sex in a marriage. Here are some useful books to help the two of you rekindle the excitement in your relationship.
1. Sex Starved Marriage: A Couple's Guide to Boosting Marriage Libido
Since one out of three couples struggle with low sexual desire in their marriage, this book offers much needed help.Buy from Amazon »2. Kosher Sex: A Recipe for Passion and Intimacy
Sharing ideas about marital sex and love that have universal appeal, this book promotes lusting after one's own spouse and discusses the holiness of sex.Buy from Amazon »3. Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex
This 30-year old classic and best selling book on human sexuality has been updated and revised. Based on scientific research and medical discoveries, this is a great source of honest, easy-to-read sexual information.Buy from Amazon »4. The Great American Sex Diet
The Great American Sex Diet makes sex "fun, adventurous, and filled with endless variety." This book can help you make your good sex life better, restore lost passion, find tools to turn "no" into "yes", and discover ways to surprise your spouse.Buy from Amazon »5. How to Give Her Absolute Pleasure
This informative book for both men and women does have explicit illustrations and discusses some sex acts that are illegal in some states. Remember what works well for some people, may not be appropriate for you and your partner. If you want to be a better lover, this book could help.Buy from Amazon »What Do You Think About These Books on Sex?
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