How to Cancel an Illegal Mechanic Lien
- 1). Contact your attorney general's office to file a consumer complaint. You can ask for mediation with the contractor to come to a successful conclusion. The attorney general's office will investigate your claims as well as hold mediation.
- 2). Write down every event of contact you have with the contractor and exactly what is said. Documenting the activity will help you establish your case and prove illegal activity.
- 3). Consult an attorney to file motion within the court for a court hearing. If the mediation does not cause the lien to be dropped, you may have to go in front of a judge to present your evidence and ensure the contractor complies with the law.
- 4). Serve the contractor with a copy of your motion and set court dates. Most states will allow the contractor to be served via certified mail or through a due process server. The contractor will have up to 30 days to respond to the court.
- 5). Attend scheduled hearings with your attorney. Provide all evidence and documentation to show that the lien is illegal and should be declared null and void. Once you are awarded your desired outcome, place a copy of the judgment into a file for safe keeping in the event further incident arises.