Junior High Dance Games
- Add some silliness to the dance by playing games.DANCE NIGHT image by RenRov from Fotolia.com
For many young students, attending a junior high dance means a lot. Because of this, you want to make sure the dance exceeds their expectations. Plan the perfect event by preparing some games the students can play to coincide with the dancing and general festivities of the party. - Show off everyone's dance moves by playing this game. Gather all the players in a circle and pick a player to start. She has 10 seconds to think of a dance move. Once she has performed the move, the person to her left has to mimic it. As soon as that player starts, another player does the same move. This electric current of dancing continues until it reaches the starting player. The last player and the first player then perform the move as they remember it. See how well the dance move retained the original dancer's intent by comparing the first player's move to the last player's move. Once everyone has had a laugh, let another player come up with a move and continue the process until everyone has had a turn.
- See how inventive your junior high schoolers can be by playing this game from the Reason to Party website. Begin by sitting everyone down in a circle and handing each player a piece of paper. Tell them all to write down any random word of their choosing. Once they have all done this, collect the papers and fold them in half. Place the papers in a big bowl and hand it to a random player in the circle. He takes out a paper and reads it. He then has to come up with a dance move using the word as inspiration. For example, if he chose the word "fish," he can lay on his stomach and flop around. Let him perform the move for about 30 seconds so everyone can get a good look. Then, let the next player pick a word from the bowl and come up with another dance move. Once everyone has performed, vote on the best dance move of the night.
- The classic game of Limbo gets a challenging twist with this game. Start by gathering the players in a line behind the Limbo stick. Have two players hold either end of the pole. While the music plays, the players take turns making their way under the Limbo stick. In this game, however, the players all have to dance under the stick backwards. Any players who touch the Limbo stick get eliminated from the game. Once all the players have gone under the stick, lower the stick an inch or two. Keep doing this after every round. The last player remaining wins the Backwards Limbo challenge.
Dancing Circle
Dance Moves
Backwards Limbo