How to Feed Bubble Corals
- 1). Cut fresh fish or shrimp into small, pea-sized pieces. You can also use frozen shrimp, such as mysid shrimp, or feeder fish. Be sure to completely thaw any frozen foods before you feed them to the bubble coral. Leave the frozen foods in the refrigerator until they thaw. It's usually not a good idea to microwave or heat the fresh foods in order to thaw them.
- 2). Drop two to three pieces of the meaty foods directly over the coral. Aim for the mouth area. This area is usually located near the center of the coral. The coral's tentacles may also come out or up in order to snatch at the food items.
- 3). Feed the bubble coral about once a week. Feeding this often usually promotes rapid growth and good health in the coral. You can feed the bubble coral less often if you want.