Corn Allergy and Foods to Avoid
- Corn is commonly combined with other foods.corn image by OMKAR A.V from
Symptoms of corn allergies include diarrhea, difficulty breathing, hives and skin rashes, low blood pressure, stomach cramps, swelling of the tongue and throat and vomiting according to the American Dietetic Association. Severe reactions can result in death. Jace Medical Group in California reports that corn is mixed into foods and other products more than any other single food and is also present in liquors, cosmetics and medications, making it difficult to avoid. - Corn is also known as masa and maize.maize texture image by Galyna Andrushko from
Corn is often found in baked goods, candy, canned fruits, cereals, infant formulas, jams and jellies, lunch meats, soft drinks, snack foods and syrups according to Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters in Norfolk, Virginia. Besides looking for corn on a food label, sufferers must also look out for baking powder, dextrin or dextrose and food starch. Maltodextrin, modified gum starch and sorbitol are corn products and vegetable gum, vegetable starch and vegetable protein often contain corn. Grits and hominy are also corn products. - Baked goods often contain corn products.bakery image by Alexey Stiop from
Many breads, cereals and baked goods contain corn products, especially those made with corn syrup or baking powder. Cereals often contain corn, as do toaster pastries and processed pasta products like Ramen noodles. Frozen pancakes and waffles are foods to avoid if you have a corn allergy. - Cold cuts contain corn products.cut sausage and cold boiled pork with vegetables image by Alex from
Most processed meats,including cold cuts, hot dogs and frozen meat entrees, contain corn products. Egg substitutes and processed cheese products are foods to avoid if you suffer from corn allergies, and some peanut butters are sweetened with corn syrup. Chocolate milk, flavored yogurt, ice cream and pudding contain corn as do instant breakfast drinks and some infant formulas. Pedialyte, Progestimil and Nutramigen contain corn. Margarines are often made with corn oil and many salad dressings can trigger a corn allergy. - Fruit juices and soft drinks often contain corn syrup.cranberry soft drink image by samantha grandy from
Frozen vegetable dishes that contain sauces and gravies are other foods to avoid. Sweetened juices and other beverages are often made with corn syrup. Canned fruit and most canned or dried soup have corn products that can trigger a corn allergy. - Ketchup often contains multiple corn products.ketchup image by PETER LAKOMY from
Chocolate and strawberry syrups often contain corn products, as do flavorings like caramel or vanilla extract. Ketchup, spaghetti sauce, taco seasonings and salsa are foods to avoid as well as many cough medications and throat lozenges. Baking powder and yeast can trigger a corn allergy as can powdered coffee creamer.
Corn Foods and Additives
Starches to Avoid
Meat, Dairy and Fats
Fruits, Vegetables and Soups
Miscellaneous Foods and Products to Avoid