How To Set Up a Marine Aquarium
There are many things that should be considered before setting up a marine aquarium, and there are countless resources that should be studied before taking on the challenge.
The three most important things to consider before undertaking this rewarding endeavor are the size of the tank, the type of filtration system, and what lighting components will work best for the chosen aquarium location.
Tanks Aquarium tanks are made from two different materials acrylic and glass.
Acrylic is more durable than glass, has a higher Rh factor that will reduce sweating, and if acrylic is scratched, the damage can be easily buffed out.
When setting up an aquarium, you should select the largest system possible because the larger the tank, the easier it is to maintain.
Larger marine aquariums produce a more stable environment and provide more flexibility for stocking and decorating.
Filters Filters are characterized by type and how they work, and all filters are designed to remove waste and generate oxygen.
There many different filters for marine aquariums and choosing the right filtration system comes down to time, money, and desired or required cleanliness.
Unless you have an "open" aquarium with a continuous flow of clean salt water, biological filtration is a must.
Waste and uneaten food are toxic to your fish and invertebrates, and unless the contamination is converted to harmless bacteria or filtered out with some type of biological filtration, the inhabitants in your tank will die.
The simplest bio-filters include air-driven boxes or foam filters, these filters work fine for quarantine tanks with limited stock.
Under gravel filters are time-tested filters that are powered by air.
They draw or push the aquariums water through the substrate and trap particles, accelerating the natural biological filtration process.
They are not a necessity for a clean marine aquarium, but will reduce time and produce a healthier aquarium.
Power filters come in several models that can be placed inside or outside of an aquarium.
Some power filters hang on the back or are placed under the tank.
They come pressurized or unpressurized in either wet or dry canisters.
Outside power filters are preferred to inside the tank filters as they minimize time and frustration when cleaning.
The best models are quiet, energy-efficient and easy to use.
Lighting Aquarium lighting can be very important for keeping an aquarium in homeostasis, and quality lighting will allow the hobbyist to get the most enjoyment from their aquarium.
Photo- quality, strength and duration should be understood and properly controlled, and if the lighting is properly installed, the aquarium will run at its optimum performance.
Many aquarium systems are sold with quality lighting, but most aquariums are not equipped with a good assortment of hoods, fixtures, lamps and conversion kits.
Most aquariums need artificial lighting for maximum enjoyment and optimum livestock health.
While setting up an aquarium, the important things to remember are to keep water separate from electrical components and ensure the proper venting of waste heat so it doesn't overheat your system.
Marine aquariums provide enjoyment for many people all over the world.
Aquariums, like people, come in all shapes and sizes, and if you do a little research to ensure that the right aquarium is selected, the benefits of owning a well-maintained marine aquarium will be enjoyed for many years to come.
The three most important things to consider before undertaking this rewarding endeavor are the size of the tank, the type of filtration system, and what lighting components will work best for the chosen aquarium location.
Tanks Aquarium tanks are made from two different materials acrylic and glass.
Acrylic is more durable than glass, has a higher Rh factor that will reduce sweating, and if acrylic is scratched, the damage can be easily buffed out.
When setting up an aquarium, you should select the largest system possible because the larger the tank, the easier it is to maintain.
Larger marine aquariums produce a more stable environment and provide more flexibility for stocking and decorating.
Filters Filters are characterized by type and how they work, and all filters are designed to remove waste and generate oxygen.
There many different filters for marine aquariums and choosing the right filtration system comes down to time, money, and desired or required cleanliness.
Unless you have an "open" aquarium with a continuous flow of clean salt water, biological filtration is a must.
Waste and uneaten food are toxic to your fish and invertebrates, and unless the contamination is converted to harmless bacteria or filtered out with some type of biological filtration, the inhabitants in your tank will die.
The simplest bio-filters include air-driven boxes or foam filters, these filters work fine for quarantine tanks with limited stock.
Under gravel filters are time-tested filters that are powered by air.
They draw or push the aquariums water through the substrate and trap particles, accelerating the natural biological filtration process.
They are not a necessity for a clean marine aquarium, but will reduce time and produce a healthier aquarium.
Power filters come in several models that can be placed inside or outside of an aquarium.
Some power filters hang on the back or are placed under the tank.
They come pressurized or unpressurized in either wet or dry canisters.
Outside power filters are preferred to inside the tank filters as they minimize time and frustration when cleaning.
The best models are quiet, energy-efficient and easy to use.
Lighting Aquarium lighting can be very important for keeping an aquarium in homeostasis, and quality lighting will allow the hobbyist to get the most enjoyment from their aquarium.
Photo- quality, strength and duration should be understood and properly controlled, and if the lighting is properly installed, the aquarium will run at its optimum performance.
Many aquarium systems are sold with quality lighting, but most aquariums are not equipped with a good assortment of hoods, fixtures, lamps and conversion kits.
Most aquariums need artificial lighting for maximum enjoyment and optimum livestock health.
While setting up an aquarium, the important things to remember are to keep water separate from electrical components and ensure the proper venting of waste heat so it doesn't overheat your system.
Marine aquariums provide enjoyment for many people all over the world.
Aquariums, like people, come in all shapes and sizes, and if you do a little research to ensure that the right aquarium is selected, the benefits of owning a well-maintained marine aquarium will be enjoyed for many years to come.