Is Being Fat Going to Be a Crime?
The newest report on American obesity has come out from the Trust for American Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation stating that not one state in the union has seen a decrease in the epidemic of obesity in this country.
This fact is no surprise to me in our new modern society of spoiled decadence.
The culminations of our greed are manifesting itself in our children and our cats in the form of gluttony.
This being said, this is our right of prosperity as a country and the promise we made when we told the world, "Give us your Poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, and then giving them the promise of food, conning them into getting off one boat, just to get back on another to fight for a civil war they didn't even belong to.
The "smart ones" we singled out, (mostly good looking women) to stay in New York and work for below minimum wage.
This was the foundation of our immigration policy then as it is now, and all of a sudden we have the audacity to scold them for enjoying the food they were promised.
Now I recognize the need to take the soda pop vending machines out of the grade schools; those machines were just a blatant attempt to make quick untraceable cash for strapped under paid Principles from children with modern access to their parent's cash flow.
(Nickelodeon debit cards).
The newest social hype now promoted by posturing politicians who claim to have the best interest in our nations fatties, is to fuel social hysteria about Americas growing obesity problem in a poorly veiled attempt to gain votes from the skinny.
The newest form of this practice in politics comes from New York's current mayor, Michael R.
His plan is to ban large sugary drinks over 16 oz.
from fast food franchises, sports arenas, etc.
, and who knows where else next.
What's funny about his supreme all -knowing imperial logic is that it's OK to drink a 32 oz.
beer but not a 32 oz.
This is a great example of our modern bureaucracy at its finest.
I can just envision a patriotic New Yorker in the movie theater, sitting there with his 16 oz.
mountain dew and his extra-large, extra butter bucket of popcorn feeling content that he took a big bite out of our nation's growing fat problem while the mayor of New York sits in his wood paneled office feeling confident in winning the battle on American obesity.
This fact is no surprise to me in our new modern society of spoiled decadence.
The culminations of our greed are manifesting itself in our children and our cats in the form of gluttony.
This being said, this is our right of prosperity as a country and the promise we made when we told the world, "Give us your Poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, and then giving them the promise of food, conning them into getting off one boat, just to get back on another to fight for a civil war they didn't even belong to.
The "smart ones" we singled out, (mostly good looking women) to stay in New York and work for below minimum wage.
This was the foundation of our immigration policy then as it is now, and all of a sudden we have the audacity to scold them for enjoying the food they were promised.
Now I recognize the need to take the soda pop vending machines out of the grade schools; those machines were just a blatant attempt to make quick untraceable cash for strapped under paid Principles from children with modern access to their parent's cash flow.
(Nickelodeon debit cards).
The newest social hype now promoted by posturing politicians who claim to have the best interest in our nations fatties, is to fuel social hysteria about Americas growing obesity problem in a poorly veiled attempt to gain votes from the skinny.
The newest form of this practice in politics comes from New York's current mayor, Michael R.
His plan is to ban large sugary drinks over 16 oz.
from fast food franchises, sports arenas, etc.
, and who knows where else next.
What's funny about his supreme all -knowing imperial logic is that it's OK to drink a 32 oz.
beer but not a 32 oz.
This is a great example of our modern bureaucracy at its finest.
I can just envision a patriotic New Yorker in the movie theater, sitting there with his 16 oz.
mountain dew and his extra-large, extra butter bucket of popcorn feeling content that he took a big bite out of our nation's growing fat problem while the mayor of New York sits in his wood paneled office feeling confident in winning the battle on American obesity.