How to Remove a Popcorn Ceiling With Asbestos
- 1). Empty the room of all furnishings.
- 2). Switch the power off at the main electric panel to the area where the ceiling material is being removed to eliminate any shock hazard from the moisture used in the acoustic texture removal.
- 3). Attach painter's masking tape in a continuous horizontal layer at the top of the perimeter walls of the room, keeping the tape approximately ¼ inch or less from the adjacent ceiling's surface.
- 4). Tape lightweight plastic tarps to the line of masking tape applied in Step 3, making certain the tarp material drapes completely to the floor as moisture protection.
- 5). Layer 6-mil plastic sheeting over the floor of the room, extending the plastic 12 inches minimum up the adjacent walls to help contain the moistened ceiling debris and protect carpets or flooring.
- 6). Roll construction rosin paper over the floor area, on top of the plastic sheeting placed in Step 5. The rosin paper will help absorb some of the moisture during the removal and help with cleanup afterward.
- 7). Saturate the acoustic material with clean water, using a garden pump sprayer, until it darkens slightly, then scrape the acoustic material from the ceiling surface with a broad-bladed putty knife and let the detached material fall to the floor. Saturate small areas of ceiling at a time until all of the texture material has been removed.
- 8). Roll the rosin paper up, starting from the perimeter edges, to collect and contain all of the accumulated acoustic texture material and remove for proper disposal.
- 9). Remove the plastic tarps attached in Step 4 and the masking tape attached in Step 3 from the perimeter walls.
- 10
Restore the power to the room at the main electric panel.