How to Remove a Pristine Mole
- 1). Talk to a dermatologist. While most moles are harmless, such as moles on the body at birth, they're sometimes the first sign of skin cancer. A dermatologist should look at your mole before removal. If he determines the mole is cancerous or potentially cancerous, he should remove it and health insurance should cover the treatment since it's health related. If the dermatologist determines that the mole is non-cancerous, insurance might not always cover removal by a doctor since it's considered cosmetic.
- 2). Pick a dandelion from the grass and rub the root over the mole, covering it in the white colored juice. According to Natural Home Remedies, dandelion juice is one of the best remedies for moles and should be applied three times a day for the best results.
- 3). Grind up fresh coriander until it forms a fine paste. Apply the paste to the mole once a day. Natural Home Remedies states that the paste will help remove the mole within a few days.
- 4). Cut up pineapple and put a piece of it over the mole. Allow it to sit on the mole for about 30 minutes to an hour or so each day. Natural Home Remedies states that pineapple will lighten the mole, which makes it less noticeable.
- 5). Grind some flaxseeds and add about a teaspoon of flaxseed oil and a few drops of honey. Put the mixture on the mole and allow it to sit. Wrap it up in a bandage to keep the mixture on the mole. Change the mixture daily. The mole should gradually lighten over a few days.
- 6). Consider surgical options. Only consider going under the knife as a last resort, if you've tried several natural home remedies for mole removal or lightening. The surgical options often leave scars behind, can be painful and are expensive.