Does Humanity Deserve These Natural Disasters and Is 2012 Involved?
As we face another tragedy after the recent disaster in New Zealand people are coming out of the woodwork and subtly and not-so-subtly suggesting that this happens because of the damage humanity has done to the earth.
I know that our track record isn't good and that our inventions and achievements haven't helped the planet, but by the same token the natural disasters are exactly that - natural disasters.
They've happened since the dawn of the planet and they will continue to happen.
It's just tragic that people and animals live in these areas and that we have an infrastructure that collapses when these awful things happen killing even more people.
Remove the living beings and the planet is just doing what it's always done.
My heart goes out to people everywhere when they suffer these terrible tragedies, but it is our material society full of the inventions we have made that helps to find and save those who can be saved, treat those who are injured, and re-build and re-home those in need.
I feel frustrated when people start suggesting that humanity deserves this kind of disaster because that is appallingly disrespectful to the societies that suffer in this way and as far as I can discover earthquakes and tsunamis are about the natural movement of the earth.
For some reason there is a mindset out there that sees humanity as a bad thing that does little more than damage and desecrate the planet and cares nothing about anyone other than the individual.
That just isn't true.
There are millions of people working out there to improve our societies, to help others in need, to do away with harmful types of power and bring in safe power.
They work to replant rain forests, help with disease in third world countries, show people how to farm and fish so that they won't starve.
We have aid workers and charity workers in the midst of some of the most desolate, hard hit areas in the world doing everything they can to help, and the rich countries fund a great deal of that charitable work.
Where would they be without the countries with the money and technology to help? Instead of wittering away that humanity is wrecking everything and if 2012 is an ending it will be because we deserve it, look instead at the vast amount of good humanity does.
We are aware that we are damaging the earth and we're trying to do something about it.
When there is a natural disaster people all over the world send money to help, and countries send teams to help out.
There is so much good that goes on, some much humanity and universal love that we cannot be a race that deserves to be wiped out.
So the next time there is a natural disaster please, please let's spend more time sending money and less time trying to apportion blame or understand what is a force of nature and therefore outside our comprehension.
Let's face it, the dinosaurs hadn't built a nuclear power station, driven a car or used up any oil.
Nor have we evidence that they were warlike or hankered after their neighbour's ass and they got wiped out by a meteorite.
I don't think it was thrown at them by a vengeful God.
If 2012, which always gets mentioned somewhere at these times, is the end of time for us it will be because something natural happens.
Think about your own children, they may not be perfect but you love them anyway - do you think God (or insert your preferred term here) is any different? Wishing you happy days and peaceful nights, and the people of Japan all the help they need to recover from this Deb
I know that our track record isn't good and that our inventions and achievements haven't helped the planet, but by the same token the natural disasters are exactly that - natural disasters.
They've happened since the dawn of the planet and they will continue to happen.
It's just tragic that people and animals live in these areas and that we have an infrastructure that collapses when these awful things happen killing even more people.
Remove the living beings and the planet is just doing what it's always done.
My heart goes out to people everywhere when they suffer these terrible tragedies, but it is our material society full of the inventions we have made that helps to find and save those who can be saved, treat those who are injured, and re-build and re-home those in need.
I feel frustrated when people start suggesting that humanity deserves this kind of disaster because that is appallingly disrespectful to the societies that suffer in this way and as far as I can discover earthquakes and tsunamis are about the natural movement of the earth.
For some reason there is a mindset out there that sees humanity as a bad thing that does little more than damage and desecrate the planet and cares nothing about anyone other than the individual.
That just isn't true.
There are millions of people working out there to improve our societies, to help others in need, to do away with harmful types of power and bring in safe power.
They work to replant rain forests, help with disease in third world countries, show people how to farm and fish so that they won't starve.
We have aid workers and charity workers in the midst of some of the most desolate, hard hit areas in the world doing everything they can to help, and the rich countries fund a great deal of that charitable work.
Where would they be without the countries with the money and technology to help? Instead of wittering away that humanity is wrecking everything and if 2012 is an ending it will be because we deserve it, look instead at the vast amount of good humanity does.
We are aware that we are damaging the earth and we're trying to do something about it.
When there is a natural disaster people all over the world send money to help, and countries send teams to help out.
There is so much good that goes on, some much humanity and universal love that we cannot be a race that deserves to be wiped out.
So the next time there is a natural disaster please, please let's spend more time sending money and less time trying to apportion blame or understand what is a force of nature and therefore outside our comprehension.
Let's face it, the dinosaurs hadn't built a nuclear power station, driven a car or used up any oil.
Nor have we evidence that they were warlike or hankered after their neighbour's ass and they got wiped out by a meteorite.
I don't think it was thrown at them by a vengeful God.
If 2012, which always gets mentioned somewhere at these times, is the end of time for us it will be because something natural happens.
Think about your own children, they may not be perfect but you love them anyway - do you think God (or insert your preferred term here) is any different? Wishing you happy days and peaceful nights, and the people of Japan all the help they need to recover from this Deb