High Time To Implement Byod In Our Colleges
Students from all educational institutions around the world once used to seek recommendations from academic departments on what IT technology to bring to colleges. With the advancement of IT sector, pupils have become smarter and tech-savvy and have realized that smart phones can make their life easier than ever. According to a research conducted by Student Monitor, a leading college student-centric market researcher, 88 percent college students browse web extensively for day-to-day research, social networking, checking email, texting friends, creating research works and other study materials.
There is no surprise that the consumerization of technology has made it immensely popular in colleges and university campuses. A survey conducted at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville revealed that 27,500 students and 9,700 staff members have registered around 75,000 devices for use on the university's wireless network. This is around 2.1 devices per user and the same ratio is as high as 3.5 devices per user in some universities. Chief Technology Officer at the University of Tennessee, Mr. Doyle Friskney says that student-driven model has become so pervading in campus culture that it is completely impossible for them to control and direct it institutionally. He further says that students now have started setting up IT agenda. However, all that can be said is that the implications of this new reality for campuses is still unfolding and in future, those who dont adopt this reality quickly will see their ability to compete with the rest of the students getting weaken.
Students see this transition as a dominant feature in their pursuit of achieving academic success and expect acceptance of this technology by colleges and universities. According to 21st Century Campus Report, 87 percent college students consider technologies offered by the institution before opting it to pursue studies. Ninety-two percent high school students say that they will consider technological grants given by the institution when they look for one in the future.
It is not just that students are admiring the freedom to use their own devices. Colleges are also supporting and implementing BYOD concept keenly. More and more educational institutions have started integrating it into their long-term academic strategies. The concept of Bringing Your Own Device (BYOD) to college campus has many benefits and some of them are mentioned herein:
1. Transforms a simple classroom into a technology rich classroom - The 21st Century Campus Report reveals that colleges and universities have been adding technology in their education curricula very steadily. In 2011, 31 percent students used technology as a learning tool that is up from 19 percent in its preceding year. The current trend will improve this record as faculties from more and more institutions will assume that students are geared with an appropriate technology in the form of smart phones and tablets. They will hence, make sure that the institutions are providing the bandwidth required by students to run their devices.
2. Innovates new learning method for students The director of the Pew Research Centre's Internet and American Life Project, Mr. Lee Raine says that advent of this technology would allow students and faculty to jointly look for fresh innovations in the education field. It will create a new breed of learners who will be more self-directed at sharing and acquiring knowledge.
3. Increase student engagement The adoption of BYOD culture would allow users to use their devices from anywhere at anytime and are engaged in classroom's activities. They would be able to collaborate and coordinate with students in a better behaviour, consult faculty spontaneously and get latest updates on their subjects from the Internet.
These points are giving us a clear indication that it is high time for the Federal Government to think seriously about implementing BYOD culture in our educational institutions. For, this technology would help faculty members in creating a fresh breed of students who will be more tech-savvy and responsive than what we are today.
There is no surprise that the consumerization of technology has made it immensely popular in colleges and university campuses. A survey conducted at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville revealed that 27,500 students and 9,700 staff members have registered around 75,000 devices for use on the university's wireless network. This is around 2.1 devices per user and the same ratio is as high as 3.5 devices per user in some universities. Chief Technology Officer at the University of Tennessee, Mr. Doyle Friskney says that student-driven model has become so pervading in campus culture that it is completely impossible for them to control and direct it institutionally. He further says that students now have started setting up IT agenda. However, all that can be said is that the implications of this new reality for campuses is still unfolding and in future, those who dont adopt this reality quickly will see their ability to compete with the rest of the students getting weaken.
Students see this transition as a dominant feature in their pursuit of achieving academic success and expect acceptance of this technology by colleges and universities. According to 21st Century Campus Report, 87 percent college students consider technologies offered by the institution before opting it to pursue studies. Ninety-two percent high school students say that they will consider technological grants given by the institution when they look for one in the future.
It is not just that students are admiring the freedom to use their own devices. Colleges are also supporting and implementing BYOD concept keenly. More and more educational institutions have started integrating it into their long-term academic strategies. The concept of Bringing Your Own Device (BYOD) to college campus has many benefits and some of them are mentioned herein:
1. Transforms a simple classroom into a technology rich classroom - The 21st Century Campus Report reveals that colleges and universities have been adding technology in their education curricula very steadily. In 2011, 31 percent students used technology as a learning tool that is up from 19 percent in its preceding year. The current trend will improve this record as faculties from more and more institutions will assume that students are geared with an appropriate technology in the form of smart phones and tablets. They will hence, make sure that the institutions are providing the bandwidth required by students to run their devices.
2. Innovates new learning method for students The director of the Pew Research Centre's Internet and American Life Project, Mr. Lee Raine says that advent of this technology would allow students and faculty to jointly look for fresh innovations in the education field. It will create a new breed of learners who will be more self-directed at sharing and acquiring knowledge.
3. Increase student engagement The adoption of BYOD culture would allow users to use their devices from anywhere at anytime and are engaged in classroom's activities. They would be able to collaborate and coordinate with students in a better behaviour, consult faculty spontaneously and get latest updates on their subjects from the Internet.
These points are giving us a clear indication that it is high time for the Federal Government to think seriously about implementing BYOD culture in our educational institutions. For, this technology would help faculty members in creating a fresh breed of students who will be more tech-savvy and responsive than what we are today.