How to Use a Hand Ice Auger
- 1). Adjust the height of the handle on the hand ice auger. Different models of augers will have different methods of doing this, but most will have a latch or clamp between the handle and the blades. Release this latch and adjust the handle height, then secure the latch to hold the handle in place. The handle should be high enough so that you can slightly bend over and press on the top of the auger with your shoulder or your hand.
- 2). Place the blades of the hand ice auger on the surface of the ice where you want to make a hole. If you have a guard over the blades, slide it off before you begin.
- 3). Grab the handle with one hand and place your other hand on top of the auger. You will have to press down on the auger while you rotate it, so some people feel it is easier to press down on the hand auger with their shoulder, rather than their hand. Try both methods and use the one that works for you.
- 4). Rotate the handle clockwise while you are applying pressure to the top of the auger. The auger should start to eat through the ice. If the ice is over a foot thick you may need to pull the auger out and lengthen the handle before you continue. When the auger breaks through the ice, rotate it counterclockwise while pulling up to remove it from the ice.