How Long Does It Take to Recover After a Knee Replacement?
Updated January 02, 2015.
Day of Surgery:
The day of knee replacement surgery is mostly a day to recover from your procedure. But it is not just about rest. Depending on the time of day of your surgery, you may be asked to sit in a chair or on the side of the bed.
Patients will begin simple activities including ankle pumps, leg lifts, and heel slides. It is important for patients to take sufficient pain medication to allow them to participate in their rehabilitation exercises.
Some doctors will place you into a motion machine, called a CPM. The benefit of a CPM has not been clearly proven, and some surgeons choose not to use the device.
During your hospitalization, you will meet with physical and occupational therapists. The physical therapist will work on mobility, strengthening, and walking. The occupational therapist will work with you on preparing for tasks such as washing, dressing, and other daily activities.
Therapy progresses at a different pace for each patient. Factors that will affect the rate of your progression include your strength before surgery, body weight, and ability to manage painful symptoms. The type and extent of surgery can also affect your ability to participate in physical therapy.
Patients are usually discharged 3 to 5 days after knee replacement surgery. It is important that discharged patients be able to safely get in their homes and perform regular activities, such as getting to the bathroom and preparing food.
If patients are not progressing to the point that they can safely return to their home environment, in-patient rehabilitation may be recommended. This allows for further work with the therapists and 24-hour support services.
Patients who return home will have home services arranged as necessary. This may include a visiting therapist and/or nurse.
Most patients take their first steps after surgery with the aid of a walker. Patients with good balance and a strong upper body may opt to use crutches. Transitioning to a cane depends on two factors. First, restrictions from your surgeon -- not all surgeons allow full weight to be placed on the leg in the early weeks after surgery. Second, your ability to regain strength.
- Usual time to return: 2 to 4 weeks with a cane; 4 to 6 weeks unassisted
Many patients have to navigate stairs in order to enter or get through their homes. Therefore, your therapist will work with you to get up and down steps using crutches or a walker.
- Usual time to return: 1 week with crutch/walker; 4 to 6 weeks unassisted
Return to driving depends on a number of factors, including the side of your operation and the type of vehicle you have (standard or automatic). Patients need to be able to safely and quickly operate the gas and brake pedals. Under no circumstances should patients drive when taking narcotic pain medications.
- Usual time to return: 4 to 6 weeks
Return to work depends on the activity that you have to do at your job. Patients who work in a seated position, with limited walking, can plan on returning about 4-6 weeks from the time of surgery.
Patients who are more active at work may need more time until they can return to full duties. Laborers should consider their work obligations before undergoing knee replacement. For example, patients may not be able to return to activities such as heavy lifting after knee replacement.
- Usual time to return: 4 to 10 weeks, depending on work obligations
Rooks DS, et al. "Effect of preoperative exercise on measures of functional status in men and women undergoing total hip and knee arthroplasty." Arthritis Rheum. 2006 Oct 15;55(5):700-8.