How to Keep Your Friend From Knowing You're in Love
- 1). Maintain your usual behavior around your friend. As friends, she is familiar with your behavior and will begin to suspect something is up if you start behaving differently.
- 2). Refrain from accepting invitations from her that you would not ordinarily accept. If your friend invites you to the opera knowing you hate it and always turn her down, don't accept the invitation. Suddenly changing your likes and dislikes to appease her is a tell-tale sign that your feelings for her have changed.
- 3). Confide your feeligs in no one but yourself. Your friends may swear to keep your feelings to themselves but if one has that second glass of wine at your birthday dinner and decides to play matchmaker, it could ruin your secret.
- 4). Treat her the same way you've always treated her. Don't stop if you always joke with her and give her a hard time in a brotherly sort of manner.