Adding Games To Your Blogger Blog
As bloggers, our duty is to provide interesting and attractive articles, mostly in the form of texts, images and videos, but what if I wanted to start an online gaming blog, that is a blog that not only informs my audience on the latest games and gaming gadgets but one that allows users to come and enjoy playing games directly on my blog.
But is this possible with blogger? Where would I get these games? How would I add them to my blog? In this tutorial we will answer all of the latter questions.
This tutorial will show you how to add flash games to any blogger blog.
Flash games or flash files are files ending with '.
Where can I get free flash games? There are a lot of sites online that allows you to use their flash games on your blog.
A simple search in Google brings up a number of these sites, for example try searching the phrase "free flash games for websites", you should see a number of these sites pop-up in the search results.
Here is a list of these sites:
This is a common method used to add games to websites.
Some of these sites also give you the option of hosting the game on your server, seeing that blogger does not allow you to host flash files, you can host the file elsewhere and use the link to the hosted file in your embed code.
However this method is optional it is much easier to use the embed code you are given, the file would have already been hosted for you.
How can I add Flash Games to My Blog? While there are many variations to how an embed code for a flash file can look all can be embedded with the same code.
A simple embed code may look like this:
swf, replace this with the link to the actual flash game.
Now that we know what an embed code looks like let's go ahead and add our first game.
Step 1 In this tutorial I'll be using this game as an example: mochimedia.
com/games/play/pyro-jump Go to the above webpage and scroll down to the section that says 'Game Embed Code'.
Highlight everything within the text-box and right-click copy.
Step 2 Log into blogger; navigate to the blog that you want to add the game to and create a new post by clicking the button "New Post".
Step 3 Just above the article text editor, there are two tabs one that says "Compose" and another that says "HTML".
Click on the HTML tab, this allows you to add HTML to the post's body; the code will be interpreted when the post is published.
Step 4 Now paste the embed code you copied earlier into the editor and hit publish.
Step 5 You can now view the post, you should be able to see the game that you added within the post.
If you have decided to download and host the game on a different server.
All you have to do is to look within the embed code where it says src="...
swf" and replace this link with the actual link of the game you're hosting, and also replace the height and width attributes with the actual height and width of the hosted game.
But is this possible with blogger? Where would I get these games? How would I add them to my blog? In this tutorial we will answer all of the latter questions.
This tutorial will show you how to add flash games to any blogger blog.
Flash games or flash files are files ending with '.
Where can I get free flash games? There are a lot of sites online that allows you to use their flash games on your blog.
A simple search in Google brings up a number of these sites, for example try searching the phrase "free flash games for websites", you should see a number of these sites pop-up in the search results.
Here is a list of these sites:
- armorgames.
com/free-website-games - freegamesforyourwebsite.
com/ - kongregate.
com/games_for_your_site - mochimedia.
com/ - box10.
This is a common method used to add games to websites.
Some of these sites also give you the option of hosting the game on your server, seeing that blogger does not allow you to host flash files, you can host the file elsewhere and use the link to the hosted file in your embed code.
However this method is optional it is much easier to use the embed code you are given, the file would have already been hosted for you.
How can I add Flash Games to My Blog? While there are many variations to how an embed code for a flash file can look all can be embedded with the same code.
A simple embed code may look like this:
<embed menu="false" pluginspage="http://www.The attributes you would need to change in the embed code above are: Height:- This is the height of the flash game Width:- This is the width of the flash game SRC:- Where you see flashgame.
com/go/getflashplayer" quality="high" src="flashgame.
swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">
swf, replace this with the link to the actual flash game.
Now that we know what an embed code looks like let's go ahead and add our first game.
Step 1 In this tutorial I'll be using this game as an example: mochimedia.
com/games/play/pyro-jump Go to the above webpage and scroll down to the section that says 'Game Embed Code'.
Highlight everything within the text-box and right-click copy.
Step 2 Log into blogger; navigate to the blog that you want to add the game to and create a new post by clicking the button "New Post".
Step 3 Just above the article text editor, there are two tabs one that says "Compose" and another that says "HTML".
Click on the HTML tab, this allows you to add HTML to the post's body; the code will be interpreted when the post is published.
Step 4 Now paste the embed code you copied earlier into the editor and hit publish.
Step 5 You can now view the post, you should be able to see the game that you added within the post.
If you have decided to download and host the game on a different server.
All you have to do is to look within the embed code where it says src="...
swf" and replace this link with the actual link of the game you're hosting, and also replace the height and width attributes with the actual height and width of the hosted game.