Video: How to Use Green Concealer
Video Transcript
I'm Sarah, professional makeup artist and licensed aesthetician, and I'm here to show you how to use green concealer. First thing you're going to need is a concealer brush; also a powder blush. You're going to need your green concealer, but you're also going to need two more things to make this work. You're going to need a tone that matches your skin, a wet concealer, as well as a nice pressed powder that you can set everything with. So, green concealer is used to cover up really red skin, any red blemish that you might have. It's typically used for people with rosacea or just really sensitive reddened skin. So, what you're going to want to do is take your green concealer and apply it to the areas that are a little red. Let me see, and just around, we're going to do one side, and then you're going to want to take your concealer brush and just blend this in. This really neutralizes the redness which is why it's green. It neutralizes the redness and gives you like a nice base to go over. You can't leave it when it's green, it just doesn't look right, so once it's blended, you're going to want to go over it with your wet concealer and you really want to make sure that it's dry and that you're not blending the two together. So, normally you'd wait a few minutes, make sure that that's dry and all sunk in and then you would come in with just a little bit of wet concealer dabbed over it and then you would continue to blend, blend this out. It works really, really well for redness. You just want to use nice light patted motion for this. This is also a great area just to put concealer on your face. It really brightens up your face, here we go. And then once that's in place, you really just want to set it with some, with some powder. So that redness is gone and she's ready to go. For more tips and tricks, you can check out my website at