Isn’t Life Insurance Too Expensive to Find After Age 65?
The older you get, the more expensive life insurance gets. When you are young and healthy, coverage is its most affordable. But that doesn't mean you can't find an excellent policy at an excellent price just because you are over 65.
In fact, you may be surprised at just how many options you have€¦if you shop around. Comparison-shopping is the only way to find, first, those companies that cover people insurance over 65 (not all do)€¦and, second, those that offer the best rates.
Comparison-shopping, though, is a real hassle, right? Until very recently, the answer would have been yes. But now, the answer is a definitive no. Comparison-shopping used to mean going from one insurance company to the next, one agent to the next, filling out form after form, waiting for their reply. It took hours, sometimes days!
Then an exciting development took place. Software was invented that makes it possible to collect quotes from many different companies all at one time, all in one place.
Comparison-shopping now takes just a few minutes. You can do it all online (and talk with a licensed, unbiased agent if you need help). You answer a few short, simple questions (such as the city and state where you live and the year you were born). Then you click just one button. And within seconds, you see quotes from many different companies. You will recognize most, if not all, of them as €household names.€ And all are competing to offer you the best possible coverage for the best possible price.
You may find your options so affordable that you decide to buy more than one policy. You may buy a policy for the traditional reason: to protect the financial security of your partner or spouse, or your children, if you die (and your income disappears). Or you may buy a policy to support the college fund of your grandchildren (or great-grandchildren).
Additionally, you elect to buy a policy specifically designed to cover the cost of any medical treatment and hospitalization or hospice care you might require in the weeks, months (or even years) leading up to your death. These costs can be astronomical€"easily hundreds of thousands of dollars (millions, depending on the extent of illness or disability). Also in their plans, some people designate the benefit from their policy to go toward their funeral and burial or cremation, which can cost tens of thousands of dollars.
Or perhaps your goal is to buy a policy and name your church, temple, or mosque, or your favorite charitable organization, as the beneficiary. This is a generous and memorable way to leave a lasting legacy and show your support for a good cause.
No matter how old he or she may be, every person has a different reason for seeking for life insurance for over 65. Naturally, people over 65 find that they have fewer options than they did when they were 25-year-olds. But there are still plenty of excellent, affordable options. Find yours by using a free, unbiased online quoting service such as
In fact, you may be surprised at just how many options you have€¦if you shop around. Comparison-shopping is the only way to find, first, those companies that cover people insurance over 65 (not all do)€¦and, second, those that offer the best rates.
Comparison-shopping, though, is a real hassle, right? Until very recently, the answer would have been yes. But now, the answer is a definitive no. Comparison-shopping used to mean going from one insurance company to the next, one agent to the next, filling out form after form, waiting for their reply. It took hours, sometimes days!
Then an exciting development took place. Software was invented that makes it possible to collect quotes from many different companies all at one time, all in one place.
Comparison-shopping now takes just a few minutes. You can do it all online (and talk with a licensed, unbiased agent if you need help). You answer a few short, simple questions (such as the city and state where you live and the year you were born). Then you click just one button. And within seconds, you see quotes from many different companies. You will recognize most, if not all, of them as €household names.€ And all are competing to offer you the best possible coverage for the best possible price.
You may find your options so affordable that you decide to buy more than one policy. You may buy a policy for the traditional reason: to protect the financial security of your partner or spouse, or your children, if you die (and your income disappears). Or you may buy a policy to support the college fund of your grandchildren (or great-grandchildren).
Additionally, you elect to buy a policy specifically designed to cover the cost of any medical treatment and hospitalization or hospice care you might require in the weeks, months (or even years) leading up to your death. These costs can be astronomical€"easily hundreds of thousands of dollars (millions, depending on the extent of illness or disability). Also in their plans, some people designate the benefit from their policy to go toward their funeral and burial or cremation, which can cost tens of thousands of dollars.
Or perhaps your goal is to buy a policy and name your church, temple, or mosque, or your favorite charitable organization, as the beneficiary. This is a generous and memorable way to leave a lasting legacy and show your support for a good cause.
No matter how old he or she may be, every person has a different reason for seeking for life insurance for over 65. Naturally, people over 65 find that they have fewer options than they did when they were 25-year-olds. But there are still plenty of excellent, affordable options. Find yours by using a free, unbiased online quoting service such as