Child Labor Laws in Russia
- The Russian Federationrussia image by NataV from
In December 2001 the Russian Federation passed an updated version of its Labor Code. Children, defined as employees under 18 years of age, are treated solely in Chapter 42, titled “Special Procedures for Employees at the Age Under of 18 Years Old.” The purpose of this chapter is to protect children from exploitation at the hands of employers. - Children are not permitted to do any work considered dangerous or harmful. The law states that this includes “gambling, night cabarets and clubs, spirits, tobacco, narcotic and toxic production, transportation and sale.” In addition, all underground work, such as mining, are forbidden to all under the age of 18.
- If an employer is going to hire a young person, the child must be given a preliminary medical exam. Medical exams are given each year to the employee, at the employer's expense, until the child reaches the age of 18.
- All young employees, without exception, are given 31 full days off per year. The days off are paid at the normal rate of pay, but they are to be taken at the convenience of the employee. Employers may not interfere with vacation time.
- With the exception of young people engaged in the performing arts, these employees are not to be sent on business trips of any kind. Performing arts, according to the law, include “creative work for mass-media, cinemas, theaters, concerts, circuses, and other persons participating in creation and/or performance of works, professional sportsmen in accordance with the jobs lists specified by the Government of Russian Federation ...”
- If a young employee is working at a production facility such as an assembly line, the production quotas must be adjusted to reflect the age and short working day of the child. All production targets must be in proportion to the working day specific to the young person and cannot include any penalties that would normally affect adult, full-time workers.
- Termination of young employees is difficult. Any firings must go through the state Labor Committee and, specifically, the subcommittee dealing with underage labor.