How Much Should I Take Out for Monthly Taxes?
- There are specific tax forms for different kinds of forms image by Chad McDermott from
Tax rates and compulsory deductions differ depending on your type of employment. According to, the average monthly salary of a general physician in 2005 was $11,698, where monthly taxes accounted for 30 percent of income. By comparison, a postman's average monthly salary was $3,040, 20 percent of which amounted to compulsory deductions. - Monthly taxes can be high.stack of cash image by jimcox40 from
No matter what your type of employment, the monthly tax deductions are usually high. In addition, various taxes are taken out of your paycheck. Federal income tax, Social Security tax, Medicare tax and state income tax are all included in deductions. - In 2005, the average construction worker made just over $3,000 per,worker, image by Greg Pickens from
On average, you should take out between one-fifth and one-third of your monthly salary and devote it to taxes. While the type of employment you have determines your tax bracket, wages are subject across the board, every month, to a variety of taxes. The number of children your household has will be a factor as well.
It Depends on What Job You Have
Deductions Are Usually High
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