Healthy Heart Foods
There are foods which are a necessary part of our diet if we are going to enable our body to fight heart disease.
There are also foods we need to be careful in limiting the portions in which we consume them in order to make it easier for our body to protect its heart.
There are many foods that we can make a regular part of our healthy diet that can help protect our heart.
A healthy diet is one that is low in saturated and trans fats, refined sugars and sodium and adding a bowl of oat bran to a diet that is high in fat and sodium is not going to solve the problem.
A healthy diet is one that is an ongoing diet of heart healthy foods and nutrients.
A heart healthy diet is one containing a plentiful supply of fruits and vegetables as well as legumes and nuts, fish and extra- virgin olive oil.
Just as there are foods which are beneficial to a heart healthy diet so there are foods which we need to avoid over indulging in.
Lean meats and skinless poultry should be consumed sparingly, alcoholic beverages need to be avoided and sugar in the diet needs to be used only as required.
White breads are made with refined flour and should be replaced with whole wheat or a muti-grain bread.
Sodium is a substance which we need to limit our use of since the use of too much salt can lead to high blood pressure.
Some of the worst culprits of sodium in our daily diet are canned soups, canned vegetables, frozen dinners, processed meats and snack foods.
There are also foods we need to be careful in limiting the portions in which we consume them in order to make it easier for our body to protect its heart.
There are many foods that we can make a regular part of our healthy diet that can help protect our heart.
A healthy diet is one that is low in saturated and trans fats, refined sugars and sodium and adding a bowl of oat bran to a diet that is high in fat and sodium is not going to solve the problem.
A healthy diet is one that is an ongoing diet of heart healthy foods and nutrients.
A heart healthy diet is one containing a plentiful supply of fruits and vegetables as well as legumes and nuts, fish and extra- virgin olive oil.
Just as there are foods which are beneficial to a heart healthy diet so there are foods which we need to avoid over indulging in.
Lean meats and skinless poultry should be consumed sparingly, alcoholic beverages need to be avoided and sugar in the diet needs to be used only as required.
White breads are made with refined flour and should be replaced with whole wheat or a muti-grain bread.
Sodium is a substance which we need to limit our use of since the use of too much salt can lead to high blood pressure.
Some of the worst culprits of sodium in our daily diet are canned soups, canned vegetables, frozen dinners, processed meats and snack foods.