Killing Craving For Marijuana Through Marijuana Detox
Killing craving for marijuana through marijuana detox The Marijuana plant is one of the oldest psychoactive plants. It grows as weed and is cultivated all over the world, all kinds of climates and soils. It has been used as remedies for thousands of years. The active ingredients of the plant can be put to use in a multitude of medical conditions. Its effects include increasing creativity, provoking mystical experiences, heightening the capacity to feel sense and share etc. After alcohol, it is the most popular recreational drug. The residue from marijuana in the addict's body creates craving for marijuana. The goal of marijuana detox is to eventually eradicate the drug. To increase the chance of a successful recovery, all its associated traces are also required to be removed from the body. The human body continuously expels the marijuana residue through urination and sweating. However, some marijuana detox facilities have the capacity to speed up the marijuana detox process. This in turn, makes for a faster and easier recovery. Residues of many drugs including marijuana are known to accumulate in the body. These compounds can be maintained for extended period of time. Especially these are in abundance in long term and hard core drug users. Even after abuse has ceased the symptoms associated with drug abuse often persist. Marijuana detox works on the principle of consideration, that accumulated residues may play a role in the persistence of symptoms. This leads to the development of a program, aimed at reducing levels of foreign compounds in the body. Hence, marijuana detox assists in the recovery of the individual. Marijuana detox is the most important component of recovery. Research has proved that individuals who participate in marijuana detox are more alert. These patients also do better overall on the remainder of their recovery program. The most problematic foreign compounds are those stored in the fat. Generally the marijuana detox includes: (a) Exercise, preferably brisk walk or running, to promote circulation and burn more fats. (b) Healing through a low temperature sauna to stimulate sweating. (c) A regular diet including plenty of fresh vegetables. (d) Sufficient liquids to equal the loss of body fluids through sweating. (e) A limited intake of vitamin, mineral, and oil. (f) A properly tailored schedule which ensures the person with required amount of sleep. All the above stated marijuana detox practices are required to be followed strictly in true letter and spirit. Any slip or a reduced amount of exercise or doze will result in requirement to repeat the program. At times aerobic exercise is also recommended in a low heat (60-80 C) sauna. The marijuana detox program is to be pursued until a stable clinical condition is achieved. This marijuana detox program generally varies from 4 to 28 days.